The important difference between “grave matter” and “mortal sin.”

BY: Scott Eric Alt • May 3, 2024 • Theology


If you’re not Catholic, you may be think­ing: “But Alt! You guys throw these terms around—mortal sin; grave mat­ter; venial sin—I don’t know what these mean.” I get it; it’s not you. Catholics con­flate “mor­tal sin” and “grave mat­ter” all the time—even those who know the dif­fer­ence and could rat­tle it off by rote if brought before the Inqui­si­tion. Often, some will speak as though there is only a ten­u­ous dif­fer­ence at best, of no more note than the dif­fer­ence between mud and mire. “Abor­tion is a mor­tal sin!” they will cry.

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What is schism? A primer.

BY: Scott Eric Alt • February 9, 2023 • Theology


Amer­i­can fac­tion­al­ist Car­di­nal Burke, who false­ly accus­es Joe Biden of being an “apos­tate,” and who despite the pre­pos­ter­ous hopes of Pope Fran­cis haters is not papa­bile, says that Pope Fran­cis is in schism. Here is where canon law, which Burke pre­sum­ably knows so well, doesn’t do his reput­ed sagac­i­ty any favors. Schism, says Canon 751, is “the refusal of sub­mis­sion to the Supreme Pon­tiff or of com­mu­nion with the mem­bers of the Church sub­ject to him.” How is it that Pope Fran­cis refus­es to sub­mit to him­self? Even Burke under­stood that accus­ing the pope of schism is a “con­tra­dic­tion.”

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What is apostasy? A primer.

BY: Scott Eric Alt • February 8, 2023 • Theology


Words mat­ter, and because words mat­ter, they must be used precisely—particularly when you are talk­ing about sins against the faith. Two years ago, Car­di­nal Burke false­ly claimed that Pres­i­dent Biden is an “apos­tate.” “Such a per­son,” Burke said, “who claims to be a Catholic and yet pro­motes in such an open, obdu­rate, and aggres­sive way a crime like pro­cured abor­tion is in the state, at least, of apos­ta­sy.” This was mad­ness. Car­di­nal Burke is a canon lawyer and ought to know bet­ter. Is it pos­si­ble to count the errors in these words?

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