Mr. Maricle’s ontological error about Mary.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 14, 2013 • Apologetics; Exegesis; Marian Dogmas

Mr. Rho may choose to repeat his clichés and sopho­moric talk­ing points like vain rep­e­ti­tions that mag­i­cal­ly make Reformed the­ol­o­gy true with­out the bur­den or log­ic or evi­dence or proof. How­ev­er many times he chants “Mary is dead” over the beads in his hand, it does not change Jesus’s words in Mark 12:18 – 27. How­ev­er many times he insists on mock­ing prayers to Mary, it does not change the fact that she is alive in heav­en. The super­nat­ur­al is a dif­fer­ent cat­e­go­ry of being than the nat­ur­al. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion does not take place the same way.

Geneva’s defenders show true colors.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 11, 2013 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics

It start­ed out bad­ly enough over at Beg­gars All. On that estimable resource of anti-Catholic snipe, Mr. Alan “Rhol­o­gy” Mar­i­cle, who fools no one by his alias, wrote a post so shock­ing­ly dumb that real snipes hid their bills. Pro-life activ­i­ty at an abor­tion mill was now to be used, not to defend the sanc­ti­ty of life, but instead to bash unof­fend­ing Catholics for their “blas­phe­mous” prayers. In response, I wrote a strong­ly-word­ed but still char­i­ta­ble post, in which I said, among oth­er things, that Mr. Rho may have object­ed any oth­er time.

Quinquagesima: “Love is alone the worthy law of love.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 10, 2013 • Liturgical Year

These are impor­tant thoughts to con­sid­er for the last Sun­day before Lent begins: Not just “what will I give up?” but “how have I failed?” Over the forty days to come, I will spend some time in med­i­ta­tion on all the ways in which I have failed the law of love. For the prac­tices of fast­ing and alms­giv­ing are, at their heart, meant to direct us away from self-love and toward love of God and love of neigh­bor. On Ash Wednes­day, when we receive the sign of the cross in ash­es on our head, the priest says, “Remem­ber, O man, that thou art dust, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

Anti-Catholic spectacle “Rhology” strains at the Ave and swallows abortion.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 7, 2013 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics

Maybe Catholics are a curios­i­ty in Nor­man, Okla­homa. But I con­fess I am sur­prised by Rhol­o­gy’s seem­ing inno­cence whether they were pray­ing the Rosary. The man is active­ly involved in apolo­get­ics con­tra the Catholic Church, so his being unable to pos­i­tive­ly iden­ti­fy the Rosary seems strange. It’s eas­i­ly iden­ti­fied by the quo­ta­tions from Luke 1:28 and Luke 1:42 – 43. Usu­al­ly, Catholics are hold­ing those fun­ny lit­tle beads when they say it, mak­ing it the more rec­og­niz­able. But Rhol­o­gy is all inno­cent about such things.

Mr. John Bugay’s false understanding of infallibility.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 6, 2013 • Apologetics; Papal Infallibility

In a recent post, the polem­i­cal rogue Mr. John Bugay begins with a weird ques­tion. “Over at Old Life,” he says, “a com­men­tater [sic] asked: ‘At what point are we free to con­clude that a cor­rupt hier­ar­chy points to a false church?’ ”Mr. Bugay finds the ques­tion very com­pelling, but I find it dumb beyond the pow­er of words. (Don’t ever be told that there is no such thing as a dumb ques­tion. In fact, the world is infest­ed with them, like gnats or tweets.) At what point are we free to con­clude that a cor­rupt lead­er­ship points to a false coun­try? Or that a bunch of inane posts points to a false blog?

Sexagesima: An examination of conscience.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 4, 2013 • Liturgical Year

I am struck with how often Christi­na Rossetti’s praise of earth, in her duo of poems for Sex­a­ges­i­ma, is tem­pered by her under­stand­ing that it is not our real home. Here we have no con­tin­u­ing city. She calls it “The broad foun­da­tion of a holy place,” but it is not the “holy place” itself. It is, she explains, “Man’s step to scale the sky.” So earth is to be praised, not for what it is in itself, but for the fact that it is our path to some­thing holi­er and bet­ter. It is only in that con­text that we can under­stand what Ros­set­ti means when she refers to earth as “love­ly.”