Oops! Calvinist pastor Ken Temple appears to say Bible contains mistakes.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 28, 2014 • Apologetics; Exegesis


Do Reformed folks no longer believe in the ple­nary inspi­ra­tion of Scrip­ture? Can Pr. inform me? I mean, as grey an anti-Catholic emi­nence as Loraine Boet­tner him­self was very clear on this point — that to deny the ple­nary inspi­ra­tion of Scrip­ture is a Mod­ernist heresy. Once deny ple­nary inspi­ra­tion, Boet­tner says, and there is “no con­sis­tent stop­ping place.” The very words of Scrip­ture them­selves are God-breathed! So what does Pr. mean when he says that the “lan­guage” of the New Tes­ta­ment on the sac­ri­fi­cial priest­hood was a “big mis­take”?

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Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome VI: After LCWR rebuke, liberals all out of hope about pope?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 21, 2014 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


They’re all out of hope. On April 30, Car­di­nal Ger­hard Müller — and not for the first time—rebuked the Wyrd Sis­ters of the LCWR. In the weeks since, the lib­er­al media has, as oft before, lashed itself into a pitch of out­rage at their imag­i­nary folk hero, Pope Fuzzy Fran­cis. The man of their dreams, before whom their words swooned, has tak­en off the hap­py clown nose and become Pen­ny­wise. From the bite of their com­i­cal rhetoric, one might be tempt­ed to think that the scales are falling from their eyes and the truth will ful­ly dawn on them that the pope is Catholic.

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