Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome VII: Anna March unmasks pope’s brilliant disguise.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 25, 2014 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Before she pub­lished her major new essay on Pope Fran­cis this past Sun­day, I had nev­er heard of Ms. Anna March. I con­fess it to my shame. Here is one of the great writ­ers of our gen­er­a­tion, who has penned a full sev­en arti­cles now for Salon. Her titles alone con­vey the range and depth of her vision: “My Bad Sex Wasn’t Rape”; “My Shaz­am Boobs.” In the lat­ter fine essay, Ms. March teach­es us how hard-won is the les­son that “I can cel­e­brate my tits with­out mourn­ing their poten­tial loss.” Hers tru­ly is a voice for the ages, and she is yet but 44.

Did Cyril of Jerusalem teach sola scriptura? White vs. Matatics (1997), part 1.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 23, 2014 • Apologetics; Debates; sola scriptura

It is an old and tried (and tired) tac­tic of the anti-Catholic apol­o­gist to take a Church Father (by the Mass, even a saint and doc­tor of the Church!) and make believe that he is a Protes­tant. The games peo­ple play now. I have writ­ten of such things before. Sooth, there is not a false doc­trine known to man since 1517, that has not been read into the Bible and the Fathers by Reformed folks who hath eat the drug of anachro­nism and washed it down with the ton­ic of des­per­a­tion. Only the polem­i­cal rogue Mr. John Bugay is bold enough to quit and claim vic­to­ry in the same breath.

Three books by priests from OSV.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 17, 2014 • Book Review

Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s name on a book is its own proof. Protes­tants who are attract­ed to the Church, but who find Mary an intractable stum­bling block (I did) will be helped great­ly by read­ing Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s book. Bible study class­es will find this book a use­ful text. Indeed, Fr. Pacwa seemed to have had such an audi­ence in mind, since the book comes with ques­tions for review and dis­cus­sion, as well as places to write study notes. Catholics who sim­ply want to under­stand Mary bet­ter, and grow deep­er in their rela­tion­ship with her, will also find this book incred­i­bly valu­able.