That life exists and identity: Thoughts on Robin Williams and depression.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 18, 2014 • Catholicism & Culture; In the News; Literature

The pow­er­ful wit­ness in all of this, in depres­sion, in sui­cide, in loss, in unbear­able con­fu­sion and grief and pain, is the wit­ness of life. That life exists. That you are here, and that it mat­ters. The great hor­ror and pain of depres­sion is that it robs you of any sense of self and iden­ti­ty. And that may be why, in a cru­el irony, some seek relief from it in self-anni­hi­la­tion. But they val­ue their life, and they do not want it to end. They only want the pain to end. But one of the great joys of recov­ery from depres­sion is the joy of dis­cov­er­ing iden­ti­ty again, and who you are.

Once more, regarding the Monophysites and the Crusades.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 13, 2014 • Apologetics; Church History

Now, lest it be for­got­ten against the gale force of his inces­sant wind, Mr. Bugay did not “point to” the “his­tor­i­cal record.” He point­ed to him­self, on his own Face­book page. He’s that sure of his own wise wis­dom and right right­ness. His post con­tained no his­to­ry what­ev­er, but only a claim, no more — a mere asser­tion, sup­port­ed by not one fact, nor foot­note, nor ref­er­ence to one soul who says what Mr. Bugay does. Am I to think that Mr. Bugay’s Face­book page, and his wild leaps into space, now count as the “his­tor­i­cal record”?

Polemical rogue Mr. John Bugay blames Catholic Church for ISIS.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 9, 2014 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics

No doubt, dear read­er, you have been read­ing seri­ous things about the wicked hor­ror and evil that does its Satan­ic deeds under the name ISIS. Mean­while, in Pitts­burgh, the polem­i­cal rogue Mr. John Bugay — a man whose rea­son turned vagabond long before — has once more become pos­sessed by the mad desire to out-do Jack Chick for clown­ish buf­foon­ery. Lis­ten to his newest dumb out­rage upon good sense. (But pray do not have food or drink in your mouth, make sure you are secure in your chair, and say a few Aves first.

The Saints and Social Justice by Brandon Vogt: A review.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 5, 2014 • Book Review; Church Social Teaching

Glenn Beck­’s pan­ic attacks aside, the Church is cer­tain­ly “down with this whole social jus­tice thing” because “social jus­tice” is a Catholic con­cept in the first place. Those be our words. And the rea­son you should read Mr. Vogt’s fine book is that it very skill­ful­ly helps us to dis­tin­guish between “social jus­tice” in the true, Catholic sense and “social jus­tice” in the false, polit­i­cal­ly exploita­tive sense. For just because a false and athe­is­tic polit­i­cal ide­ol­o­gy has dem­a­gogued the poor does not mean that we have no real oblig­a­tion to the poor.

The New Evangelization, sans puns: Scott Hahn’s “mission manual.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 1, 2014 • Book Review

Read­ers who expect with each new book to find Scott Hahn’s trade­mark puns in the sub­ti­tles won’t find them here. I admit that was the first thing I noticed about Evan­ge­liz­ing Catholics. It was a bit dis­ap­point­ing — but only bit; it’s a good book. The life of the mind is not in the pun. (Some­one once told me, with a grave shake of his head, that Dr. Hahn’s puns will only get him more time in Pur­ga­to­ry.) The title of his new book—Evan­ge­liz­ing Catholics — might make one think that it is all about whip­ping pick-and-choose Catholics into shape.