Aborted ethics and wrongful liabilities: What hath the Court wrought?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 30, 2015 • In the News; Politics; Pro-Life Issues

You will have heard, I take it, of a recent “wrong­ful birth” law­suit. The Dai­ly Screech report­ed on it in August: After an amnio­cen­te­sis, par­ents were told they had a healthy baby. Turned out, baby has Syn­drome Z. Turned out, the med­ical office had mis­read the results. So par­ents sued on the premise that they would have abort­ed the baby if only they had known about the Syn­drome Z. This was not a unique case; half of all U.S. states rec­og­nize “wrong­ful birth” as a cause of action, and one cou­ple was award­ed a full $50 mil­lion in such a suit.

Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome X: Anti-papal malarkey and damnable schism.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 28, 2015 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Where the pope most chal­lenges you, per­turbs you, dri­ves you up the wall: That is the very thing you need to hear. The prob­lem is not Peter. Rachel Lu is right: If you con­tin­ue this mad cam­paign against Fran­cis, your words will end up being used by sec­u­lar left­ists to pro­mote their own agen­da for the cul­ture and the Church. And when that hap­pens, you will have no room to whine about it. If you are a Catholic, you don’t ever, ever, shut your ears to Peter. Uni­ty is in Peter. And schism , whether in fact or only by obsti­na­cy, is damnable.

A frustrated Steve Hays resorts to ad hominem, more haze.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 27, 2015 • Pope Francis

When a post begins in this wild and froth­ing way: “Papal lack­ey Scott Eric Alt is once again try­ing to save the pope’s ran­cid bacon” — you know you are read­ing one frus­trat­ed guy. Poor soul. That’s okay. I’m patient here. I get it. The lights are slow to go on at Fail­ablogue. Frus­tra­tion leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suf­fer­ing! So let us, with patience, help poor Pur­ple Haze out of his, well, pur­ple haze. Mr. Haze first goes amiss in his reply to a point I made about the argu­ment from author­i­ty.

Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome IX: Glenn Beck needs a team to teach him about Catholicism.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 26, 2015 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Glenn Beck, with the self­less char­i­ty of one who thinks well of him­self, has offered to put togeth­er a “team” that will teach Pope Fran­cis what cap­i­tal­ism real­ly is. Oh boy. Here we go again. When­ev­er I see stuff like this, I always won­der whether those say­ing it have read the pope’s words first-hand. Have they read Church social teach­ing, in the Church’s own words? Do they think they need to? Or do they get all their infor­ma­tion about the Church and the pope from the sec­u­lar press? Ver­i­tas? Quid est ver­i­tas? Even Rush Lim­baugh­’s sto­ried pur­suit of the truth stopped.

’Scuse me while I refute this guy: A reply to Steve “Purple” Hays on the pope, NFP, and C‑sections.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Pope Francis

Steve “Pur­ple” Hays has replied to my post from Fri­day. If your gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­er has affirmed that you are safe­ly free from stom­ach acid and there’s no dan­ger that it will blow up on you from expo­sure to bilge, you can read his response. But since the man is in a deep mud­dle, I’m going to fisk his post with some length and patience. I’m always here to help him. It’s a ser­vice I offer Calvin­ists at my blog. Mr. Hays begins his post by refer­ring to me as “one of this pope’s many self-appoint­ed han­dlers” and “a lay blog­ger.” Now, I know why he does this: It is to poi­son the well.

In attack on pope, polemical rogue Mr. John Bugay makes crude joke about multiple orgasms.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 23, 2015 • Anti Catholicism; Pope Francis

There is no cesspool so foul that John Bugay will not jump into it with full-throat­ed glee if it serves his hatred of the Church. The man lost his shame years ago. Con­sid­er that it was this very same polem­i­cal rogue who once pho­to­shopped a Hitler mous­tache onto St. Therese of Lisieux, removed it only under the strong per­sua­sion of his pas­tor, and all the while whim­pered that he had been much maligned and abused by the Catholics who called him out. Well, dear read­er, the dog has returned to his vom­it, this time with a foul and smelly joke about orgasms.

Rick Santorum should read the transcript of Pope Francis’s “rabbits” remark. So should everyone else.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 21, 2015 • Pope Francis

The pope does not say that Catholics “should not breed like rab­bits.” What he says is that Catholics should not feel that they must “be like rab­bits” with no sense of “respon­si­ble par­ent­hood.” The pope gives the full Catholic teach­ing. He does not just say that life is good and that cou­ples should bring life into the world, and life more abun­dant­ly; he also says that cou­ples have an oblig­a­tion to be respon­si­ble with their par­ent­hood. The Church says both. In fair­ness, Mr. San­to­rum is not the only one get­ting the pope’s words wrong. Every­one else is too.

Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome VIII: More liberal denial and despair.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 20, 2015 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Lib­er­al­ism, as it exists today, is a fairy tale that occa­sion­al­ly bumps up against truth, gets per­plexed and angry for a spell, then returns to Nev­er­land. In few places is this more true than in the lib­er­al media’s cov­er­age of Pope Fran­cis. I have writ­ten oft about this sad phe­nom­e­non. Their delu­sions about Fran­cis, and their igno­rance of the Church they write about, nev­er ends. And they seem to be woe­ful­ly incu­ri­ous about get­ting it right. In the lat­est episode of this saga, some­one writes an arti­cle titled “Pope Fran­cis Might Not Be As Awe­some As We Thought He Was.”

Josh Alcorn bans The Vagina Monologues.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 16, 2015 • In the News; LGBT Issues

Well, the Vagi­na Mono­logues is no more. Its sex­u­al pol­i­tics no longer are inclu­sive enough. So after a run of nine­teeen straight years, Mt. Holyoke Col­lege has can­celed the play on the grounds that it excludes women with­out vagi­nas. The pecu­liar phrase “women with­out vagi­nas” is meant to include both women with­out vagi­nas and men who think they’re women. Ms. Brown explains all this for us. “A trans woman is a woman, full stop, but she may have a penis.” Oh. So what are we to con­clude from all this? Why, that the Vagi­na Mono­logues is “trans­pho­bic”!

We must offend, and other quick takes: 7QT XIX, seriatim.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 8, 2015 • Seven Quick Takes

If, in this age, our words do not bite and slap and kick, then we are doing it wrong. Flan­nery O’Connor said it: “You have to push as hard as the age that push­es against you.” A world that wants to be lulled to sleep needs to be shout­ed awake. And it’s okay to be out­raged by error and write with pas­sion. I’d rather read a writer who’s angry than a writer who’s in a coma. I like cur­mud­geons. Jerome has his place. There is also a place for shout­ing from the rooftops and say­ing, “Damn it, this is mad­ness, and I will not take it, and I will do every­thing I can to call it out.” Even if you’re killed for it.

Do priests rob Christ of his high priesthood? Part 2 of a series on John Calvin’s Institutes IV.18.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 1, 2015 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics; priesthood

“Satan,” John Calvin says at the begin­ning of Insti­tutes of the Chris­t­ian Reli­gion, IV.18, “has attempt­ed to adul­ter­ate and envel­op the sacred Sup­per of Christ as with thick dark­ness.” Those are high words. How has Satan done this? you may ask. Oh, it was “with most pesti­len­tial error,” Calvin tells us. For lo! “he blind­ed almost the whole world into the belief that the Mass was a sac­ri­fice and obla­tion for obtain­ing the remis­sion of sins.” Calvin has no patience for any­one who holds to any such idea as that; he describes it as “the com­mon opin­ion of the vul­gar.”