Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome XI: I’m shocked, shocked to find that there is orthodoxy going on in this papacy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 23, 2015 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Pope Fran­cis Derange­ment Syn­drome, in the sec­u­lar media, has reached a crit­i­cal mass where more and more poor souls are report­ing them­selves shocked, shocked to find that the pope is Catholic. Such gasps would trick­le in before, but now they seem to be more fre­quent. Just this week­end there were two melt­downs in the lib­er­al press: the first at Mar­ket­Watch, over the shock­ing dis­cov­ery that the pope is not in favor of con­tra­cep­tion; the sec­ond at the Dai­ly Screech, over the shock­ing dis­cov­ery that the pope is not in favor of gen­der the­o­ry.

Giordano Bruno and the truth about the Inquisition.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 12, 2015 • Apologetics; Church History

Con­text is impor­tant in these dis­cus­sions. “The medieval world was not the mod­ern world”; it seems trite and con­de­scend­ing to say that. But it is very impor­tant, if we are going to talk about the Inqui­si­tion, to under­stand the world of thought that actu­al­ly exist­ed at the time. At a time when Europe was uni­ver­sal­ly Chris­t­ian, reli­gion was the one real sta­bi­liz­ing fac­tor against civ­il unrest. For that rea­son, heresy was com­mon­ly accept­ed to be a threat to the secu­ri­ty of the state. It was not mere reli­gious error, or dif­fer­ence of opin­ion but trea­son.

Obama’s remarks on the Crusades and ISIS: some addenda.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 8, 2015 • Apologetics; Church History

Some, on blogs and in social media, have been urg­ing that the out­rage has some­how been made up by the right wing. It’s noth­ing but “noise.” Oba­ma, they say, did not com­pare the Cru­sades and ISIS, and vio­lence has been done in the name of Christ. Why, John Paul II even apol­o­gized for evil acts done dur­ing the Cru­sades! Which he did. And yet all this miss­es the mark. For one, the pope nev­er apol­o­gized for the Cru­sades them­selves, where­as the whole pur­pose of ISIS is noth­ing but bar­barous mur­der and unpro­voked aggres­sion. Nor do we deny evil has been done by Chris­tians.

No, Mr. Obama, the Crusades and ISIS are not the same thing.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 5, 2015 • Apologetics; Church History

Now, in the most kind and nar­row con­struc­tion you can assign those words, Mr. Oba­ma is not alto­geth­er wrong. Peo­ple have “com­mit­ted ter­ri­ble deeds” in the name of Christ. That is true. But. To say that that is no dif­fer­ent than cut­ting the heads off of babies? To say that that is no dif­fer­ent than torch­ing pris­on­ers alive in a caged infer­no? No. That is wrong, igno­rant, false, and vile. What Mr. Oba­ma is say­ing is that we have no moral right to call what ISIS does evil. What he is say­ing is that we can­not fight against them and be entire­ly just.

On Harper Lee’s new book: Should To Kill a Mockingbird have a sequel?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 4, 2015 • Literature

Go Set a Watch­man may not exact­ly make Harp­er Lee look like a “fool.” That might be the self-doubt of a reclu­sive author talk­ing, or the jad­ed­ness of a pub­lic that has learned to take a low view of sequels. I sus­pect that Lee was unwill­ing to pub­lish any­thing after Mock­ing­bird for two rea­sons: (1) she was, as she once said, more like Boo Radley than Scout Finch, and pub­lic atten­tion did not suit her; (2) she knew that noth­ing else she ever wrote, how­ev­er good, would be To Kill a Mock­ing­bird. She was pub­lic­i­ty shy and wrote a book that is just impos­si­ble to match.

Notre Dame professor Dr. Candida Moss says Jesus “wasn’t down with marriage.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 2, 2015 • Apologetics; Exegesis

Dr. Can­di­da Moss  is all wrought up over the LDS “half-heart­ed shuf­fle toward LGBT equal­i­ty.” Dr. Moss prefers the mad dash over the cliff: When she says “LGBT equal­i­ty,” what she means is “mar­riage equal­i­ty,” in spite of the fact that no one, not even Dr. Moss, believes in any such thing. Would she advo­cate mar­ry­ing your dog? a three-year-old child? the exhumed body of King Tut? So let us get this myth of “mar­riage equal­i­ty” out of our heads from the start. To define mar­riage is to lim­it it, and the real goal is not mar­riage “equal­i­ty” but mar­riage plas­tic­i­ty.