How I write. 7QT XX, seriatim.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 20, 2015 • Blogging & Writing; Seven Quick Takes


When I was in grad­u­ate school (this was in the 1990s), I wrote every­thing long­hand, keyed my rough drafts into an Apple IIGS using Apple­works Word Pro­cess­ing (I know; I’m 45), and revised, by hand, on the hard copy. Then I would repeat over a series of maybe 8 – 10 more drafts. Then, along about 2001, with the sud­den abil­i­ty to do a great amount of research direct­ly from the Inter­net, I began to write entire­ly on the com­put­er, in Microsoft Word. That was not a good idea: Inevitably, my com­put­er crashed. And so I returned to long­hand.

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Is the novel Protestant? A reply to Joseph Bottum.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 8, 2015 • Literature


Of all things in lit­er­a­ture, the one that is the most futile and impos­si­ble to gen­er­al­ize about is the nov­el. There are no lim­its to its form: That is a mark of its strength. No one can agree even on when the nov­el began; the stan­dard nar­ra­tive is that the first nov­el was Robin­son Cru­soe (1719), but that’s more a myth of con­ve­nience — and cul­tur­al chau­vin­ism — than any­thing else. What about the 11th cen­tu­ry Japan­ese Tale of Gen­ji? The 12th cen­tu­ry Ara­bic Hayy ibn Yaqd­han? The “Four Great Clas­si­cal Nov­els” of the Ming and Qing dynas­ties?

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The woman of the Apocalypse according to popes.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 4, 2015 • Apologetics; Marian Dogmas


In a recent post, Steve “Pur­ple” Hays of Fail­ablogue (he calls it Tri­ablogue) tries to pit those wicked “lay Catholic pop apol­o­gists” against “their reli­gious supe­ri­ors” in the USCCB. The USCCB says the woman clothed with the sun is the Church, and Hays will side wth the bish­ops. That’s progress. Per­haps, then, he’ll also side with the bish­op of Rome. Pius X, Pius XII, Paul VI, and John Paul II have said the woman clothed with the sun is also Mary. And before you cry, “Con­tra­dic­tion!” Hay­dock­’s Com­men­tary of 1859 says the woman clothed with the sun is Israel, the Church, and Mary.

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Did Theodoret of Cyrus teach sola scriptura? White vs. Matatics (1997), part 2.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 3, 2015 • Apologetics; Debates; sola scriptura


Not sat­is­fied with his effort to co-opt St. Cyril of Jerusalem into a defense of sola scrip­tura, Dr.* James White (Th.D., D.Min., etc., etc.), of Alpha & Omega Sophistries, goes on to abuse the text of Theodoret’s Dia­logues by quot­ing him out of con­text too. This comes at about the 23:00 mark in his 1997 debate with Ger­ry Matat­ics. The quo­ta­tion Dr.* White pro­vides us is this one: “The doc­trine of the Church should be proven, not announced. There­fore show that the Scrip­tures teach these things.” I will get there present­ly. First some back­ground.

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