Two highly illogical arguments for sola scriptura.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 23, 2015 • Apologetics; sola scriptura

Both of these come from Stephen Wolfe, writ­ing at Ref­or­ma­tion 500—a site fre­quent­ed by our old friend, the polem­i­cal rogue Mr. John Bugay The title of Mr. Wolfe’s small lit­tle post is “A Short Defense of Sola Scrip­tura”; and it is so short — even cur­so­ry — that he fails to avoid sev­er­al large and breezy gaps in log­ic. In the first of them, Mr. Wolfe tries to reply to a com­mon­place obser­va­tion: that you can’t have sola scrip­tura unless the Bible itself gives us an infal­li­ble list of what’s canon­i­cal, and the Bible does not come with an inspired table of con­tents.

Misquoting St. Cyprian; or, how “John Bugay” abuses the Church Fathers.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 20, 2015 • Apologetics; Church History

Per­haps you have heard, dear read­er, that Pope Fran­cis will vis­it Philadel­phia in Sep­tem­ber for the World Meet­ing of Fam­i­lies. Occa­sions like these always give the anti-Catholics a chance to crawl out of the wood­work and make a bug­gy spec­ta­cle of them­selves. If you go, be pre­pared to swat. To this wery day, Dr.* James White of Alpha & Omega Sophistries crows that, dur­ing the vis­it of Pope St. John Paul II to Den­ver, in 1993, he and sev­er­al of his Elect com­peers showed up to harass mul­ti­tudes, hand out Jack Chick tracts, and oth­er­wise dis­turb the peace.

Frank Bruni, of New York Times, hectors Christians: “Bow to the enlightenments of modernity!”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 9, 2015 • Apologetics; Exegesis; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology; Politics

Mr. Bruni starts off, as do most left­ists who will have their own way, with a pompous and con­de­scend­ing sneer: I’m here to free you, you poor benight­ed sil­ly lit­tle thing, from that need­less lit­tle bit­ty blue blan­ket you cling to. There now, isn’t it bet­ter now that you don’t have to car­ry that fool­ish heavy bur­den around? No, you don’t have to thank me. Then, after that haughty and oily dis­play, the left­ist comes out of the clos­et and screams his brown­shirt demands: “Bow to the enlight­en­ments of moder­ni­ty!” Kneel before Zod!