Before you get outraged and share that post on your social media profile.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 19, 2015 • False Report


Only two things mat­ter: the sal­va­tion of the soul, and truth. That is why it is an offense to see so many posts run­ning the rounds of social media that are full of bla­tant untruths that could be dis­cov­ered by a small amount of fact-check­ing. The head­line, or the meme, screams at us. “Pope Fran­cis says yada yada yada!” we are told; when, in fact, the pope has said noth­ing like yada yada yada. “Obama’s out­ra­geous words!” anoth­er post screams; when, in fact, Oba­ma didn’t say it and what he did say was a big yawn­ing bore of a cliché. But you hit share and cry: “Hor­ri­ble! Egre­gious!”

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