Answers for same-sex marriage apologist Matthew Vines.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 7, 2015 • Apologetics; Exegesis; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology


Matthew Vines, author of God and the Gay Chris­t­ian—in which Mr. Vines claims to give the “bib­li­cal case in sup­port of same-sex rela­tion­ships” — recent­ly post­ed “40 Ques­tions for Chris­tians Who Oppose Mar­riage Equal­i­ty.” “Too often,” Mr. Vines laments, “LGBT-affirm­ing Chris­tians are the only ones asked to explain and defend their views. But there are many press­ing ques­tions that non-affirm­ing Chris­tians fre­quent­ly do not address.” Oh, well, then! These ques­tions have nev­er been answered before! Let me cor­rect this over­sight.

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