St Augustine: What has been injured shall be renewed.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 29, 2015 • Pro-Life Issues; Saints


I had made a point of not watch­ing the recent videos expos­ing the bar­bar­ic evils of Planned Par­ent­hood and Stem Express, put out by the Cen­ter for Med­ical Progress. You find out what is in them with­out that. Why expose myself to see­ing images I would not be able to erase from my mind? Why watch babies be sev­ered and cut apart and sliced open so their insides could be boxed and shipped and sold for prof­it? Who wants to look upon any of that hor­ror? But then, ear­li­er this week, per­haps because I had an arti­cle to write, I watched the sixth of them. I knew what I was going to see.

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