Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome XVII. In which the pope speaks on a plane, and the Church crashes into the Tiber.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • December 3, 2015 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


The Catholic Church came to an end ear­li­er today, dear read­er, after a brief 2000-year run. It has crashed smack into the Tiber Riv­er, there are almost no sur­vivors — only a rem­nant of 11 — and we must sit and gaze on the ruins and wail. Or at least that is what one would think, to judge by the apoc­a­lyp­tic screams com­ing from the right-wing blogs over the last day or two. So what hap­pened this time? I will tell you, but you must brace your­self. Are you ready? The pope gave an inter­view. (I pause so you may recov­er your wits.)

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Calvinist blogger reads James; discovers that we must do good works.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • December 1, 2015 • Apologetics; Good Works


I was mak­ing my peri­od­ic round of the blogs in order to find out what the anti-Catholics were up to, when I stum­bled across this curi­ous post by the daunt­less Mr. X. (He calls him­self Tur­ret­inFan, for weird rea­sons of his own. I can’t speak for the poor man’s crotch­ets.) It seems, at first glance, to be a real snooz­er of a post, even by Mr. X’s strict stan­dard for som­no­lence: It is a very cur­so­ry sum­ma­ry of the con­tent of James. That’s it. But in the mid­dle of all this, Mr. X trips smack over the fact that James sure talks about works a lot. And still Mr. X thinks that James’s true sub­ject is faith alone.

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