Okay, Pope Francis, I’m confused.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 25, 2016 • Pope Francis

The over­all gist of the pope’s response seems to be: Abor­tion is always and every­where evil, but there are lic­it means to avoid preg­nan­cy. I would like to think that by “avoid­ing preg­nan­cy” in the case of Zika, the pope means absti­nence dur­ing fer­tile peri­ods. But the dif­fi­cul­ty here is that the only spe­cif­ic method of avoid­ing preg­nan­cy any­one brings up dur­ing the exchange is con­tra­cep­tion — and it is Pope Fran­cis who intro­duces it into the dis­cus­sion, not the reporter. Anoth­er dif­fi­cul­ty: Paul VI nev­er allowed nuns in dan­ger of rape to use con­tra­cep­tion.

No, the pope is not “bossing around” the U.S. on border wall.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 22, 2016 • Politics; Pope Francis

As for Ann Coul­ter, she has this sense that it is all well and good to be Catholic, as long as your first loy­al­ty is to Amer­i­ca (by which she means a par­tic­u­lar­ly crude form of nation­al­ism). If your loy­al­ty is to Church teach­ing and the Vic­ar of Christ, then you are a “ROMAN Catholic” as opposed to an “AMERICAN” one. You may even be a trai­tor! She mix­es this with good old-fash­ioned Know Nothingism, a form of Amer­i­can anti-Catholi­cism that fears the pope will reach his arm across the Atlantic and med­dle in Amer­i­can pol­i­tics. Remem­ber 1960?

Dear James White: Thanks for the applause. You left a few things out.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Apologetics

I tried to get the word to Dr.* White before he took to his Divid­ing Line web­cast to applaud me with a lit­er­al clap­ping of hands. I did: I sent a tweet to him and his pro­duc­er Rich Pierce on Feb­ru­ary 15. I includ­ed Mr. Pierce because the good Reformed apol­o­gist blocked me all the way back in Octo­ber of 2013 after I con­front­ed him on his utter refusal and inabil­i­ty to exegete the text of Eph­esians 4 in any mean­ing­ful way. Though Dr.* White has con­clud­ed that I am one of the rare breed of Catholic apol­o­gists who deserves to be thanked for my hon­esty, I remain blocked.