Three things I wish someone had told me in RCIA.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 15, 2016 • Personal Narrative


This East­er Vig­il will mark five years since I entered the Catholic Church. It is one of those events that you treat as a kind of birth­day, and you keep track of the num­ber of years that have passed since. Becom­ing Catholic is the best thing I ever did. The year I was in RCIA, and the cou­ple of years that fol­lowed, I lived at high pitch; and I have seen that same high pitch in oth­er con­verts who came into the Church after me. I know the emo­tion they feel. But for all I learned and absorbed in RCIA, there were three things I could not have been taught.

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Life Site News gets a pope story wrong. Remnant and Rorate repeat.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 5, 2016 • False Report; Pope Francis; Pro-Life Issues


At Life Site News, John-Hen­ry West­en was first to pub­lish the claim, on Feb­ru­ary 25. “Pope,” the head­line cries, “calls Italy’s fore­most abor­tion pro­mot­er [Emma Boni­no] one of nation’s ‘for­got­ten greats.’ ” You can find the sto­ry here. This is now the lat­est so-called papal scan­dal; it has been picked up by all the usu­al sus­pect blogs. Even Mike Gen­dron, the anti-Catholic apol­o­gist, wrote an out­raged Face­book post about it, telling Catholics to rise up and cry: Enough is enough! the pope should not be con­tra­dict­ing Church teach­ing that way.

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