Is doubting the Resurrection “good for Christians”?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 1, 2016 • Apologetics; Exegesis


In a recent arti­cle in the Wash­ing­ton Post, Jacob Lupfer argues that “doubt­ing the Bible is good for Chris­tians.” Since the arti­cle was pub­lished on Good Fri­day, I sus­pect­ed that the oblig­a­tory year­ly scoff­ing at the Res­ur­rec­tion was afoot. Lupfer did not dis­ap­point. The sec­u­lar media is always busy at its charism of instruct­ing Chris­tians on how the Bible should real­ly be read. It is not as though we inquire with the Church or any­thing like that; instead, we look to our prophets in the media. Sev­er­al things fas­ci­nate me about Lupfer­’s attempt to play prophet.

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