Vote Republican to stop abortion! and other myths.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 23, 2016 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Trump sup­port­ers over­nu­mer­ous for men­tion promise, with prog­nos­ti­ca­tion and crys­tal-ball cer­tain­ty, that a vote for Trump will help the pro-life cause of stop­ping abor­tion, and this mat­ters above all. He will pro­mote the right leg­is­la­tion, he will appoint the right jus­tices. Right. Now it so hap­pens that facts mat­ter in this dis­cus­sion, and because facts mat­ter, I went and checked how the indi­vid­ual jus­tices vot­ed in Roe v. Wade, and then checked out who appoint­ed them. Turns out five of the sev­en jus­tices were Repub­li­can appointees. Facts mat­ter.

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Why we should pray the Luminous Mysteries.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 12, 2016 • Catholic Devotions


On Octo­ber 16, 2002, Pope St. John Paul II added a new group of Mys­ter­ies — the “Lumi­nous Mys­ter­ies” — to the Rosary. Hith­er­to there had been three groups: the Joy­ful Mys­ter­ies, the Sor­row­ful Mys­ter­ies, and the Glo­ri­ous Mys­ter­ies. These three togeth­er totaled 150 Hail Marys: orig­i­nal­ly meant to cor­re­spond to the 150 Psalms. An objec­tion, among tra­di­tion­al-mind­ed folks, to a new set of mys­ter­ies was that it would under­mine this con­nec­tion. John Ven­nari imag­ined the objec­tions for­mer popes may have had, as though he spoke for the dead.

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