Simcha Fisher speaks the truth about Milo apologists.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 21, 2017 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals

This is not “com­pli­cat­ed.” Don’t insult us. Pedophil­ia can not be defend­ed. The seri­ous­ness of the priest abuse scan­dal can not be waved away. End stop. There is no nuance, there is no “very com­pli­cat­ed.” Milo may be a vic­tim of abuse. Milo may be wound­ed. We can and should have com­pas­sion on that, and no Catholic is per­mit­ted to judge him. But com­pas­sion does not mean that we can nuance what he said out of its sting. Nor can we claim, as Dr. Smith does, that Milo does not “pro­mote ped­erasty.” No. That is what he said. You can read the tran­script.

Michael Hichborn, aka “The Lepanto Institute,” under attack by eeeeevil social justice warriors.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 16, 2017 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Social Teaching; Exegesis

Michael Hich­born is still bunkered up some­where at Lep­an­to after I post­ed a vicious hit piece against him. He writes to us from that bunker to defend him­self against the “enraged” “social jus­tice left­ists mas­querad­ing as Catholics in our midst.” Said mas­quer­ade par­ty is in a “blind rage” over his wery men­tion of Judas! Now Lep­an­to is being per­se­cut­ed over a new meme sug­gest­ing that ugly and emp­ty church build­ings are a result of char­i­ty to the poor and that this is how “Judas got his wish.” Blind rage from SJWs ensued.

Hichborn meme attempts to link social justice to Judas Iscariot.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 14, 2017 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Social Teaching; Exegesis

Hich­born miss­es the point. Judas did not put ser­vice to the poor above wor­ship of God. Judas does not want to give the mon­ey to the poor at all; he wants to keep it for him­self and pre­tend he gave it to the poor. Thiev­ery from the poor does not match any def­i­n­i­tion of social jus­tice that I know of. If Mr. Hich­born thinks it does, he needs to point us to who defines it in any such way. If some­one claims to advo­cate social jus­tice, but in real­i­ty diverts mon­ey meant for the poor to his own use, that is a betray­al of social jus­tice, not its essence.

Trump senior adviser: His powers are “substantial” & “will not be questioned.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 13, 2017 • Politics

No one doubts that pres­i­dents have author­i­ty in nation­al secu­ri­ty mat­ters. But their pow­er is not, nev­er has been, and must nev­er be, unlim­it­ed and immune from ques­tion or check. That is not the way of the Unit­ed States. But now Stephen Miller, a senior advis­er to Pres­i­dent Trump comes along and utters words that—to my knowledge—have nev­er been dared spo­ken about a pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States before, unless Mr. Trump imag­ines that he is about to sus­pend habeas cor­pus. The sub­ject was the trav­el ban.

But what if a pope did teach heresy ex cathedra?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 3, 2017 • Apologetics

Dustin Lat­ti­more, a Protes­tant, asked the ques­tion on Face­book. Ear­li­er today, Dave Arm­strong also also blogged about it. Mr. Arm­strong, in deny­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of ex cathe­dra heresy, still hedges a bit. “I don’t think it is an “impos­si­ble coun­ter­fac­tu­al” or “log­i­cal­ly impos­si­ble” in all pos­si­ble or con­ceiv­able worlds.” Oh, real­ly? Now, as I see it, Lat­ti­more’s ques­tion is like ask­ing, “But what if God had made a round square?” There are no round squares. Round squares are log­i­cal­ly impos­si­ble. I don’t like to get into quan­tum apolo­get­ics.