Attn. Fox News, et al.: The pope has condemned population control.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 5, 2017 • False Report; Pope Francis

Fox News, the UK Inde­pen­dent, and LSD News are all report­ing that the pope has praised pop­u­la­tion con­trol. This is fake news. And the rea­son I say so is because Pope Fran­cis is on record con­demn­ing pop­u­la­tion con­trol. He con­demns it in Lauda­to Si—have you read it? Even LSD News and the Nation­al Catholic Reg­is­ter picked up on that. He con­demned it in his inter­view on the flight back to Rome from Mani­la; maybe you recall that inter­view. Did you know he con­demns pop­u­la­tion con­trol in that inter­view three times? I have all the quotes, dear read­er.

We should retire this balderdash about papal infallibility …

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 4, 2017 • Apologetics; Papal Infallibility

And I mean the balder­dash that says you only have to lis­ten to the pope when he speaks infal­li­bly. It is not what the Cat­e­chism says; it is not what the Pro­fes­sion of Faith says, it is not what Lumen Gen­tium 25 says, and it is not what Canon Law 752 says: “Although not an assent of faith, a reli­gious sub­mis­sion of the intel­lect and will must be giv­en to a doc­trine which the Supreme Pon­tiff or the col­lege of bish­ops declares con­cern­ing faith or morals when they exer­cise the authen­tic mag­is­teri­um, even if they do not intend to pro­claim it by defin­i­tive act.”

Yes, Christ ordained his apostles as priests.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 2, 2017 • Apologetics; Exegesis; priesthood

That this is author­i­ta­tive Catholic teach­ing we know from the Cat­e­chism, as well as from the Coun­cil of Trent. But we also know this by ref­er­ence to the Greek text of the New Tes­ta­ment, from the Didache, from J.N.D. Kel­ly, and a cross-ref­er­ence to Exo­dus 29:38 in the Greek Sep­tu­agint, in which the word used describ­ing the sac­ri­fice of a priest is the very same word that Christ uses in Luke 22:19 when he says “Do this in remem­brance of me.” He is telling them, “Sac­ri­fice this,” which means he is ordain­ing them; for only a priest can offer a sac­ri­fice.