A reader says 1 Cor. 11:28–29 does not bar grave sinners from the Eucharist.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 27, 2017 • Exegesis

Paul tells us why it is nec­es­sary to have a prop­er dis­po­si­tion before we receive the Eucharist. He begins by rebuk­ing the Corinthi­ans for their “divi­sions” and “fac­tions.” He also con­demns some abus­es that crept into the com­mon meal pri­or to the Eucharist. The rich, who could bring a large share of food and drink, end­ed up gorg­ing them­selves to the dis­ad­van­tage of the poor, who were not able to bring much. As a result, “one [man] is hun­gry and anoth­er is drunk.” “Do you despise the Church of God,” he asks, “and humil­i­ate those who have noth­ing?”

Mr. Trump contracepts promise to Little Sisters of the Poor.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 25, 2017 • Politics

Per­ad­ven­ture Mr. Trump is just plot­ting his next strong blow against Oba­macare? But no. I know it runs counter to every impulse of the Trump apol­o­gist, but let us not delude our­selves here: Mr. Trump needs no per­mis­sion from the HHS; he can order the rule change. But he hasn’t done so. Why? Oh, every­one expect­ed a rule change. Mr. Trump is on the side of the nuns. He is on the side of reli­gious free­dom. He will crush abor­tion like the serpent’s head. Pinky swear. We’ll get no reli­gious free­dom under Mrs. Clin­ton; we must vote Trump; he’s on our side; you’ll see.

Dissenting Catholic Dick Durbin tells Dems not to dissent on abortion.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 24, 2017 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues

The hypocrisy of Sen. Dick Durbin knows no bounds. He is a Catholic who pub­licly dis­sents from his Church on abor­tion. And yet he has no dif­fi­cul­ty in telling fel­low Democ­rats that if they are pro-life, they have no place in the par­ty. So as Durbin sees it, you have a high­er oblig­a­tion to your polit­i­cal par­ty than you do to your Church. You should obey men rather than God. For­tu­nate­ly, Durbin’s bish­op has invoked Canon 915 and for­bid­den him Holy Com­mu­nion. This should also be the case with Pelosi, Biden, Ker­ry, and Kaine. It won’t, but it should.

The incoherence of “Just clarify Amoris! Answer the dubia!”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Amoris Laetitia

I have said myself: Pope Fran­cis should answer the dubia. I have also said that AL is ortho­dox, is entire­ly con­sis­tent with Famil­iaris Con­sor­tio, and that any­one who reads it oth­er­wise is in error. I just wish the pope would say that him­self. That said, I find most of those who ral­ly, cir­cu­late peti­tions, ven­ti­late in the media, and oth­er­wise make a spec­ta­cle of them­selves, to be inco­her­ent in their demand that the pope give clar­i­ty. On the one hand, they say, “The pope should answer the dubia. He should clar­i­fy.” On the oth­er hand, they have already made up their minds that AL is hereti­cal.

A poem for my stillborn daughter, Caitlyn.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 18, 2017 • Personal Narrative

Eleven years ago today, my daugh­ter was still­born. That day, in the hos­pi­tal, a nurse who pro­vid­ed grief sup­port to par­ents who’d expe­ri­enced peri­na­tal loss vis­it­ed with me. (Kim, who had eclamp­sia and had had a seizure the pri­or morn­ing, was still spend­ing a large part of the day asleep and half-aware of what was going on.) Dur­ing the con­ver­sa­tion, the nurse sug­gest­ed to me that I write some­thing for my daugh­ter and have it buried with her, in order to mit­i­gate a sense I had that I wouldn’t be able to do or say all that I want­ed to.

Sean Spicer is right: German Jews weren’t German citizens.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 12, 2017 • Politics

Sean Spicer stu­pe­fied the mass­es when he said: “I think when you come to sarin gas, [Hitler] was not using the gas on his own peo­ple the same way that Assad is doing.” Hitler was much bet­ter than Assad! But this claim that Hitler nev­er gassed his own peo­ple? Think Progress says it is “false.” NBC News says it is false. Every­where, peo­ple are say­ing it is false. Actu­al­ly, Mr. Spicer is right: Ger­man Jews were not Ger­man cit­i­zens. On Sep­tem­ber 15, 1935, the Nurem­berg Race Laws stripped Jews of Reich cit­i­zen­ship. So when Hitler used the sarin gas, he was not using it on Ger­man cit­i­zens.

Does Canon 194 provide an opening to depose a heretical pope?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 10, 2017 • Canon Law

A read­er points to Canon 194 as a pos­si­ble open­ing for depos­ing a hereti­cal pope. The canon lists cer­tain con­di­tions under which a per­son is “removed from an eccle­si­as­ti­cal office by the law itself.” These are: (1) A per­son who has lost the cler­i­cal state; (2) A per­son who has pub­licly defect­ed from the Catholic faith or from the com­mu­nion of the Church; (3) A cler­ic who has attempt­ed mar­riage even if only civil­ly. The canon adds an impor­tant qual­i­fi­ca­tion. “The removal men­tioned in nn. 2 and 3 can be enforced only if it is estab­lished by …”

A heretic would not cease to be pope: Thoughts on Bellarmine.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 7, 2017 • Apologetics; Canon Law

I have argued before that a pope can not be a heretic. There is noth­ing that makes it the­o­ret­i­cal­ly impos­si­ble; the Holy Spir­it only pro­tects the pope from bind­ing Catholics to heresy. But it seems to me that the safest way for the Holy Spir­it do to this is sim­ply to ensure that no one who is a heretic, or who could become a heretic, would ever be elect­ed pope. The oth­er option, I guess, would be that the Holy Spir­it could strike the pope down with a stroke or a heart attack just before the fatal moment when any such bind­ing were to occur. These are extrav­a­gant spec­u­la­tions.

About that Syllabus of Errors? Guess what else Pius IX condemned.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 6, 2017 • Apologetics

Ene­mies of so-called “innova­tions” in Vat­i­can II like to cite the Syl­labus of Errors in order to claim that the Coun­cil con­tains Mod­ernist here­sies. For exam­ple, they like to cite No. 15, in which Pius IX con­demns the belief that “Every man is free to embrace and pro­fess that reli­gion which, guid­ed by the light of rea­son, he shall con­sid­er true.” This, say dis­ci­ples of Lefeb­vre, con­tra­dicts Dig­ni­tatis Humanae, which insists upon reli­gious free­dom. But guess what else Pius IX con­demns in that Syl­labus? These pre-Vat­i­can II doc­u­ments are full of sur­pris­es!

Close reading the pope on Martin Luther.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 5, 2017 • Amoris Laetitia; Justification; Pope Francis

Let us do that thing that the blog­ging Catholic must some­times do, which is to parse a dif­fi­cult pas­sage from one of the pope’s inter­views. This, again, was his inter­view last June as he winged his way back to Rome from Arme­nia. A reporter said, “Hey! That Mar­tin Luther guy. You can reha­bil­i­tate him, right? Per­haps lift his excommuni­cation? What say you?” It was an insane ques­tion. Mar­tin Luther’s excom­mu­ni­ca­tion end­ed in 1546 when he died. Now, I have been told: “Well, you know, the pope only meant to say Luther was not alto­geth­er wrong.

Pope Francis is wrong about Luther and justification.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Apologetics; Justification; Pope Francis

Things the pope says in an inter­view are not Mag­is­te­r­i­al. Here is part of what the pope said: “And today Luther­ans and Catholics, Prote­stants, all of us agree on the doc­trine of just­ification. On this point, which is very impor­tant, he did not err.” Now see, this infu­ri­ates me as an apol­o­gist (and for­mer Protes­tant). I defend the poor man, but at times he exas­per­ates me. I point­ed this out in 2014, and I point it out again now: The CDF hath said that Catholics and Luther­ans do not in fact “agree” on jus­ti­fi­ca­tion. We must look at this text.

Oh, that conference on deposing a pope? Church Miscreant had it wrong. And Fake Site News.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 4, 2017 • False Report

Last month our friends at Church Mis­cre­ant were all jit­tery at the news that there would be a con­fer­ence in Paris on how to depose a pope. Canon lawyers, Chris­tine Niles gushed, would be there! You know, actu­al canon lawyers, who might advise on how to get rid of that pesky Bergoglio. Two peo­ple sched­uled to speak at the con­fer­ence even signed a let­ter cri­tiquing Amor­is Laeti­tia! Anoth­er sup­ported the dubia! Fake Site News tried to make the same con­nec­tion. Turns out, it was noth­ing of the kind. Wrong again at Fake Site and Mis­cre­ant; what a shock.