A reply to Patrick Tomlinson and his reputed stumper of a riddle for pro-lifers.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 25, 2017 • Pro-Life Issues

A sci­ence fic­tion author named Patrick S. Tom­lin­son has a ques­tion that, if we are to believe the hype, “baf­fles abor­tion foes.” What is this stumper of a ques­tion? you ask. Here it is: Would you save one thou­sand embryos or one child in a fire? Real­ly? That’s it? This is the ques­tion that’s sup­posed to con­found us? This is the ques­tion that gets Raw Sto­ry in a heat of excite­ment and Mr. Tom­lin­son many new fol­low­ers on Twit­ter? Please. The ques­tion is a cliché. You prob­a­bly heard some­thing very much like it in high school.

Ultramontanism and a supposed conflict between Pope Francis & Pius XII on capital punishment.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 15, 2017 • Moral Theology; Pope Francis; Pro-Life Issues

Joseph Shaw of the Latin Mass Soci­ety, who is all wrought up about “Ultra­mon­tanism” and killing peo­ple, cites what he thinks are con­flict­ing state­ments between Pope Pius XII and Pope Fran­cis. Here is Pius XII: “Even when it is a ques­tion of the exe­cu­tion of a con­demned man, the State does not dis­pose of the individual’s right to life. In this case it is reserved to the pub­lic pow­er to deprive the con­demned per­son of the enjoy­ment of life in expi­a­tion of his crime when, by his crime, he has already dis­posed him­self of his right to live.” That’s sup­posed to con­tra­dict Pope Fran­cis some­how.

Does Pope Francis deny negative prohibitions? Part 6 of a response to The Correctors.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 8, 2017 • Amoris Laetitia; Moral Theology

Here is the sixth heresy The Cor­rec­tors claim to find in the text: “Moral prin­ci­ples and moral truths con­tained in divine rev­e­la­tion and in the nat­ur­al law do not include neg­a­tive pro­hi­bi­tions that absolute­ly for­bid par­tic­u­lar kinds of action, inas­much as these are always grave­ly unlaw­ful on account of their object.” Now, as I not­ed ear­li­er, it is a con­tin­u­al prob­lem to try to fig­ure out where The Cor­rec­tors think we are to find any one par­tic­u­lar heresy. They nev­er say “Heresy X is to be found in Para­graph Y.” We have to guess. They do slop­py work.

Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XIX. In which Fake Site News and CRISIS!!! misrepresent Pope Francis on civil unions.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 4, 2017 • LGBT Issues; Moral Theology; Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Pope Fran­cis Derang­ment Syn­drome has got­ten so bad that Scan­lon at Cri­sis!!! and Bak­lin­s­ki at Fake Site News can quote the pope accu­rate­ly but still attribute to those words a hereti­cal mean­ing vast­ly at odds with what they plain­ly say. They engage in calum­ny in plain sight, and hope that their audi­ence won’t notice. The pope says, “Mar­riage is only between a man and a woman, a union between two men is some­thing else,” and Fake Site and Cri­sis!!! report: Pope approves of same-sex unions! They’re not try­ing to hide their decep­tion any more.

What does Pope Francis think of conscience? Part 5 of a response to The Correctors.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 2, 2017 • Amoris Laetitia; Moral Theology

Here is the fifth heresy The Cor­rec­tors say they find in Amor­is Laeti­tia: “Cons­cience can tru­ly and right­ly judge that sex­u­al acts be­tween per­sons who have con­tract­ed a civ­il mar­riage with each oth­er, although one or both of them is sacra­men­tal­ly mar­ried to anoth­er per­son, can some­times be moral­ly right or request­ed or even com­mand­ed by God.” So the text says that God some­times can ask peo­ple in an irreg­u­lar union to keep engag­ing in the sex­u­al act. Real­ly? Is that the nec­es­sary inter­pre­ta­tion of Amor­is Laeti­tia 303? I’m skep­ti­cal.

Does Pope Francis think it is a sin to obey God? Part 4 of a response to The Correctors.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 1, 2017 • Amoris Laetitia; Moral Theology

Here is the fourth hereti­cal idea The Cor­rec­tors false­ly charge to Pope Fran­cis: “A per­son is able, while he obeys a divine pro­hi­bi­tion, to sin against God by that very act of obe­di­ence.” It just so hap­pens in this case that I know which text they mean. It is in §298, where the pope speaks of those in a sec­ond union, “con­sol­i­dat­ed over time,” with “new chil­dren,” who have “great dif­fi­cul­ty of going back with­out feel­ing in con­science that one would fall into new sins.” But the pope does not say going back would itself be a sin.