What does Pope Francis think Our Lord Jesus Christ wills? Part 7 of a response to The Correctors.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 26, 2017 • Amoris Laetitia; Moral Theology


The Cor­rec­tors claim the pope teach­es: “Our Lord Jesus Christ wills that the Church aban­don her peren­ni­al dis­ci­pline of refus­ing the Eucharist to the divorced and remar­ried and of refus­ing abso­lu­tion to the divorced and remar­ried who do not express con­tri­tion for their state of life and a firm pur­pose of amend­ment with regard to it.” Hmm. I’ve often had the dif­fi­cul­ty in find­ing out exact­ly where they find these here­sies, for they are slop­py. They nev­er say, “Heresy X is to be found in Para­graph Y.” Search for your­self. Report back to me if you see what I don’t.

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