Pope Francis contradicts Benedict XVI and John Paul II on abortion? Fake (Site) News!

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 11, 2018 • False Report; Pope Francis; Pro-Life Issues


I tell you again: Give no cre­dence to Fake Site News. Nev­er give them cre­dence, but par­tic­u­lar­ly give them no cre­dence when they are bash­ing the pope. Nev­er give them cre­dence when they are bash­ing the pope, but par­tic­u­lar­ly give them no cre­dence when the author is John-Hen­ry West­en. A look at his absurd attempt, here, to claim that Pope Fran­cis some­how con­tra­dicts Bene­dict XVI and John Paul II on abor­tion, gives us one more exam­ple why. But first let us go to Gaudete et Exsul­tate and read the words of Pope Fran­cis about the equal sacred­ness of all human life.

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Yes, Virginia, the Catechism is a Magisterial document.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 4, 2018 • Apologetics


The Mag­is­teri­um is the teach­ing author­i­ty of the Catholic Church. The word does, after all, come from the Latin mag­is­ter, which means “teacher.” So when St. John Paul II, in pro­mul­gat­ing the Cat­e­chism of the Catholic Church, called it a “sure norm for teach­ing the faith,” he is call­ing it Mag­is­te­r­i­al by def­i­n­i­tion. He said that in Fidei Deposi­tum, which is an apos­tolic con­sti­tu­tion, which is the high­est, most solemn decree a pope can issue. You don’t get more Mag­is­te­r­i­al. It’s not as though the pope is say­ing, “You know, here’s a pri­vate opin­ion of mine.” It’s an offi­cial act of his papa­cy.

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