Catholics pray to dead saints! Answers to common objections I, seriatim.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 24, 2018 • Apologetics


So there I was, inno­cent­ly mind­ing my own busi­ness, when some­one hands me the follow­ing “I love you but let me attack you” piece of anti-Catholi­cism. “I love you sis­ter and I’m sor­ry that you think I’m per­se­cut­ing you because I’m not. I nev­er once judged or con­demned you. I was expos­ing the false church itself and now I will talk about a few rea­sons why it is blas­phe­mous. … First thing would be pray­ing to dead saints, this is idol­a­try since prayer is a form of wor­ship. The def­i­n­i­tion of prayer is …” Yes, do let us look at that def­i­n­i­tion. That real­ly will clear a lot up.

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