What Ratzinger and the CDF really said about voting for pro-choice candidates.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 21, 2018 • Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Death Site News is pro­mot­ing the words of Fr. Mark Gor­ing; he says that “The blood of these unborn chil­dren is on your hands if you vote for and sup­port an aggres­sive­ly pro-abor­tion politi­cian.” This is false. The Church nowhere teach­es that a per­son who votes for a pro-choice Demo­c­rat incurs the guilt of abor­tion. Now, in 2004, the CDF — with Car­di­nal Ratzinger as its pre­fect — put out a doc­u­ment enti­tled “Wor­thi­ness to Receive Holy Com­mu­nion: Gen­er­al Prin­ci­ples.” In it, the CDF list­ed cer­tain things required of Catholics.

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Don’t call abortion a holocaust, says Pope Benedict XVI.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 20, 2018 • Pro-Life Issues


On Face­book there’s a fun­ny lit­tle guy who runs around inter­ro­gat­ing peo­ple on whether they agree with John Paul II that abor­tion is just like the Holo­caust. He’s a self-appoint­ed Inquisi­tor who seems to think that it’s not enough to accept Church teach­ing that abor­tion is a grave sin; you must also accept a par­tic­u­lar metaphor, or his­tor­i­cal com­par­i­son, one pope used to describe it. Even the metaphors are infal­li­ble on this top­ic. If you reject them, you’re a heretic, you’re not pro-life enough, you might even enjoy killing babies.

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