Heresy in the defense of Milo.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 5, 2018 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Media Personalities


A debate has bro­ken out fol­low­ing Patrick Coffin’s deci­sion to invite Milo Yiannopou­los on his radio show. Cof­fin used to be at Catholic Answers; Milo is in a same-sex mar­riage but presents him­self as a crit­ic of Pope Fran­cis and “homo­sex­u­al­ist lead­ers” in the Church. There’s your irony for today. When he was Car­di­nal Bergoglio, Pope Fran­cis said that same-sex mar­riage is a “machi­na­tion of the father of lies.” Milo, who is in a same-sex mar­riage, says Pope Fran­cis is not tough enough on homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, and Faith­ful­Catholics™ swoon.

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If you really want to understand Catholic social doctrine, you must read …

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 4, 2018 • Church Social Teaching


The Com­pendi­um of the Social Doc­trine of the Church. When I have writ­ten about Church social teach­ing on this blog, that’s the only text I have ever cit­ed. (Well, okay, I’ve also cit­ed Gaudi­um et Spes and papal encycli­cals that com­prise Church social teach­ing, such as Rerum Novarum or Quadra­ges­i­mo Anno or Car­i­tas in Ver­i­tate.) But my point is: When I write about Church teach­ing, I cite Church doc­u­ments. When I want to know what the Church teach­es, I read the Church. If you want to know what Augus­tine thought, read Augus­tine.

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