God willed Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XXII.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 19, 2019 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

There are two sens­es in which one may speak of “God’s will.” One may speak of God’s per­fect will — that is, what God specif­i­cal­ly ordains. For exam­ple, the fact that the pope has supreme teach­ing author­i­ty in the Church is God’s per­fect will. But one may also speak of God’s per­mis­sive will — that is, what God does not ordain but per­mits. The fact that some peo­ple would resist the pope’s teach­ing author­i­ty and there would be Pope Fran­cis Derange­ment Syn­drome is part of God’s will in this lat­ter sense. What­ev­er hap­pens is God’s will.

Crisis!!! plays Benedict vs. Francis on Amoris Laetitia.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 16, 2019 • Amoris Laetitia; False Report

Richard A. Spinel­lo, author of a recent arti­cle at Cri­sis!!!, goes as far as to claim that the pope emeritus’s let­ter on the sex abuse cri­sis was an “implic­it rebuke” of Amor­is Laeti­tia. Odd, then, that the Vat­i­can gave the green light to B16. How very care­less of Frank, to miss his sub­text this way. But Spinel­lo sees all, even though “Bene­dict is quite dis­crete, of course, and nev­er men­tions Amor­is Laeti­tia.” It all has the tone of wish­ful think­ing on Spinello’s part. And I say that because Spinel­lo accus­es Pope Fran­cis of deny­ing what the text explic­it­ly affirms.

It’s not your body, AOC. An unborn child is its own body.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Politics; Pro-Life Issues

I have made no secret of my admi­ra­tion for Alexan­dria Oca­sio-Cortez. That said, I must point out how wrong she is to res­ur­rect, in the wake of the Geor­gia and Alaba­ma abor­tion laws, the tired old “my body, my choice” rhetoric. She did this on Twit­ter, a place she fre­quents almost as much as the Dear Leader him­self. Now, it is worth not­ing here that even Christo­pher Hitchens, athe­ist and abor­tion rights advo­cate, reject­ed this argu­ment in its favor. The unborn child, Mr. Hitchens said, is a “sep­a­rate body and enti­ty,” and the very phrase “unborn child, even when used in a politi­cized man­ner, describes a mate­r­i­al real­i­ty.” Let us not be anti-sci­ence.

Everything you need to know about Ben Shapiro, in one tweet.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 12, 2019 • Debates; Media Personalities

Ben Shapiro, as you will have heard, was “destroyed” in an inter­view with BBC jour­nal­ist Andrew Neil. Even Mr. Shapiro admits to his destruc­tion, upon which he cried: “I’m pop­u­lar and no one’s ever heard of you!” and ran away. (Embrace the argu­men­tum ad pop­u­lum.) If you’ve not heard about this, the gist of it is that Shapiro was first trig­gered by Neil’s descrip­tion of the Geor­gia abor­tion law as “bar­bar­ic” and a “return to the Dark Ages”; and then, he grew increas­ing­ly petu­lant as Neil con­front­ed him with his own tweets.