Did I say the papacy is useless? and other comedy from Steve Hays.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 31, 2019 • Apologetics; papacy

Fre­quent­ly some­one who hates Pope Fran­cis will call me a “papalo­la­tor,” or a “papal pos­i­tivist,” or an “Ultra­mon­tanist,” or what­ev­er the slur of the week is. Sup­pos­ed­ly I think every­thing a pope says is infal­li­ble, or I think every­thing this pope says is infal­li­ble. And now this week, a Protes­tant apol­o­gist has decid­ed that I think the papa­cy is “use­less.” How wild­ly does Alt change with every new wind that blows! Said apol­o­gist is known on this blog as Steve “Pur­ple” Hays. We’ve dueled before. Once upon a time, he imag­ined that I was try­ing to pro­mote him to a bish­oprick.

A reader asks about Exsurge Domine and burning heretics.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Apologetics; Church History

Exsurge Domine was the bull excom­mu­ni­cat­ing Mar­tin Luther; and the pope lists forty-one “errors,” but takes care to point that the errors fall into dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories. “Some of these,” he says, “have already been con­demned by coun­cils and the con­sti­tu­tions of our pre­de­ces­sors, and express­ly con­tain even the heresy of the Greeks and Bohemi­ans. Oth­er errors are either hereti­cal, false, scan­dalous, or offen­sive to pious ears, as seduc­tive of sim­ple minds, orig­i­nat­ing with false expo­nents of the faith who in their proud curios­i­ty yearn for the world’s glo­ry …”

Documentation of Taylor Marshall’s attacks on Pope Francis (and prior popes).

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 20, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Pope Francis

A few months ago, when Tay­lor Marshall’s book Infil­tra­tion had just come out, some­one asked me if I intend­ed to write a review of it. I had no such inter­est, and already knew that Dave Arm­strong planned to do so. But it occurred to me that it might help to put togeth­er, in a con­cise way, a doc­u­men­ta­tion of Dr. Marshall’s fre­quent attacks on Pope Fran­cis. (And as it turns out, he goes back in time and attacks every pope from Pius XII for­ward, as well as Vat­i­can II.) I thought oth­ers might find this a valu­able resource.

“Not Infallible” does not mean “Contains Errors.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 19, 2019 • Apologetics; Papal Infallibility

Strict­ly speak­ing, “infal­li­bil­i­ty” cov­ers what­ev­er teach­ings fall under a divine guar­an­tee to be free from any pos­si­bil­i­ty of error. That does not mean, and nev­er meant, that non-infal­li­ble teach­ings — the Ordi­nary Magisterium—do con­tain errors. Still less does it mean that the pope could under any cir­cum­stances teach heresy. Pope Pius XII says in Humani Gener­is 20: “Nor must it be thought that what is expound­ed in Encycli­cal Let­ters does not of itself demand con­sent, since in writ­ing such Let­ters the Popes do not exer­cise the supreme pow­er of their Teach­ing Author­i­ty.”

Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome XXIV: Cardinal Burke’s Rebel Yell

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 17, 2019 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Those Faith­ful­Catholics™ who have been swal­low­ing whole phar­ma­cies of red pills over Pope Fran­cis have a real prob­lem. They want to reject his Mag­is­teri­um, but deep down they know that’s not real­ly con­sis­tent with their chest-thump­ing insis­tence on their own faith­ful­ness. But if the con­clave was illic­it, if it broke the rules, if the pope’s not real­ly the pope, then we have a license to throw all that out. We can get rid of Evan­gelii Gaudi­um, we can get rid of Lauda­to Si, we can get rid of Amor­is Laeti­tia. And we can get rid of that pesky Bergoglio and call anoth­er con­clave.

Steve Hays posits false dichotomy between authority and reason.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 10, 2019 • Apologetics

No Catholic apol­o­gist I know defends, say, the Mar­i­an dog­mas by telling us that the Church teach­es the Mar­i­an dog­mas and stop­ping there. The Catholic apol­o­gist does that no more than the Protes­tant apol­o­gist says “The Bible is true because it says so in the Bible.” It’s fair to assume that who­ev­er we are try­ing to con­vince already knows that the Church, or the Bible, teach­es these things. So we go fur­ther. I’m not going to con­vince Mr. Noo­dle that Mary was assumed into Heav­en by say­ing, “Pope Pius XII taught this.” Noo­dle already knows.

Do Catholics think God owes them a debt? Part 6 of a response to John Calvin’s Institutes IV.18.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Apologetics

When John Calvin reach­es the “crown­ing point” of his rant against the “popish Mass,” he becomes tru­ly inco­her­ent. (As though he were not already.) Here’s the crown­ing point: “the sacred Sup­per, on which the Lord left the memo­r­i­al of his pas­sion formed and engraved, was tak­en away, hid­den, and destroyed, when the Mass was erect­ed.” So if I am to take Calvin at his plain word here, the Church has took the Eucharist away. The Church has hid­den the Eucharist. The Church has indeed destroyed the Eucharist!

Protestant asks: When would Catholics know they’re in a false Church?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 5, 2019 • Apologetics

Steve “Pur­ple” Hays asks the ques­tion at Fail­ablogue. (He calls it Tri­ablogue, for opti­mistic rea­sons known to him alone.) I am hap­py to answer Mr. Hays’ ques­tion, which he puts like this: “Hypo­thet­i­cal­ly, what would the mag­is­teri­um have to do for devout Catholics (or Catholic apol­o­gists) to con­clude that the Roman Catholic church nev­er was the one true church found­ed by Jesus Christ? Can the mag­is­teri­um ever do any­thing, in prin­ci­ple or prac­tice, to dis­cred­it Roman Catholi­cism? … What’s the stan­dard of fideli­ty?” In fact, there is.