Did Pope John XXII teach heresy about the Beatific Vision?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 29, 2019 • Church History

This is a com­pan­ion piece to an ear­li­er one about Hon­o­rius and a lat­er one about Liberius. In the case of Pope John XXII, it is clear that his state­ments on the Beatif­ic Vision were false. He had said, both pri­or to his papa­cy and in hom­i­lies dur­ing his papa­cy, that the Beatif­ic Vision was delayed until the Final Judg­ment. But the mat­ter, as Mr. Sam­mons him­self admits, was not defined until after John XXII’s death. His suc­ces­sor, Bene­dict XII, defined the doc­trine three years lat­er — in 1336. Only then did the Church define the truth about the Beatif­ic Vision being imme­di­ate.

I am one of the “New Papolaters,” according to One Luther Five.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • On Other Blogs

There I was, dear read­er, mind­ing my own busi­ness when I noticed a sud­den spike in traf­fic com­ing from a post at One Luther Five. Some­one named Eric Sam­mons had just accused me of “idol­a­try.” How cute; I had to dou­ble check that I wasn’t read­ing some anti-Catholic, King James Only­ist blog. I wasn’t alone — the oth­er “new pap­o­laters” (you have to fol­low Mr. Sam­mons’ links to find out who they are, because he doesn’t name us in the text) are Austen Iver­eigh, Dawn Eden Gold­stein, Rich Raho, Mas­si­mo Fag­gi­oli, and Mike Lewis. So I’m in good com­pa­ny.

Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XXVII: Schismatic? No, no, no! It ain’t we, babe!

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 24, 2019 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Loy­al defend­ers of the Church Ray­mond Leo Burke & Athana­sius Schnei­der have anoth­er doc­u­ment out! The impar­tial Edward Pentin includes it in the text of his arti­cle today at the Nation­al Catholic Reg­is­ter. The title of this one is “A clar­i­fi­ca­tion about the mean­ing of fideli­ty to the Supreme Pon­tiff.” The gist of this one is: Fideli­ty to the Supreme Pon­tiff does not mean you can’t call out his man­i­fest errors and here­sies. Paul cor­rect­ed Peter, don’t you know? Since I am not giv­en to polemics on this blog, I will go through the doc­u­ment point by point.

Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XXVI. In which the EWTN schism infects a priest’s homily at Mass.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 17, 2019 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

One would think that the pur­pose of the homi­ly at Mass is to shed light upon the text of Scrip­ture. So here’s some­thing worth a real com­plaint: At EWTN’s dai­ly Mass on Mon­day, Fr. Matthew Mary read Christ’s prayer for his dis­ci­ples in John 17, and there­after had noth­ing to say aobut it; instead, he used the occa­sion of the homi­ly to pro­mote a fac­tion in the Church that pro­motes schism against Pope Fran­cis. So let’s be clear that that’s a scan­dal — an abuse of the sacred litur­gy; treat­ing it as an occa­sion to pro­mote dis­sent against the Holy Father.

Does Ephesians 1:4–5 teach limited atonement?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 12, 2019 • Apologetics; Exegesis

It strikes me as odd that, if we are essen­tial­ly God’s mar­i­onettes, doing what God has script­ed us to do, our actions appear to us so much like choic­es. I think you have to engage in a par­tic­u­lar­ly pro­fane act of self-decep­tion to con­vince your­self that the words you speak, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the things you do, are not your own choic­es but were cho­sen for you before­hand: to con­vince your­self that God threw a rope around you rather than you choos­ing him because you were drawn and fell in love. If you can tell your­self these things, eise­ge­sis fol­low­ers as the night the day.

Do John 6:37 and John 6:44 teach limited atonement?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 11, 2019 • Apologetics; Exegesis

John 6:44 cer­tain­ly teach­es pre­ve­nient grace: “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him.” Apart from being drawn by grace, we would be pow­er­less to come. “And I will raise him up on the last day.” But — and this is impor­tant — Christ’s rais­ing on the last day is depen­dent not just upon being drawn, but on com­ing to him. Not all who are drawn will come. And that pre­sup­pos­es free will. With that in mind, we can turn to John 6:37: “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” Calvinist’s read eter­nal secu­ri­ty into this text.

Does Hebrews 10:14 teach limited atonement?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Apologetics; Exegesis

Before we get to Hebrews 10:14, dear read­er, let us look ahead to Hebrews 10:26. “For if we sin wil­ful­ly after that we have received the knowl­edge of the truth, there remaineth no more sac­ri­fice for sins.” This text, like 1 Cor. 10:12, warns of the dan­ger of apos­ta­sy; and that’s a tricky con­cept if you believe in once saved, always saved. Some Calvin­ists try to nuance this by say­ing that only those who were nev­er saved in the first place can apos­ta­size, but that’s non­sense: If you were nev­er saved in the first place, there’s noth­ing to apos­ta­size from.

Does Romans 8:28–30 teach limited atonement?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Apologetics; Exegesis

In an absolute sense, “lim­it­ed atone­ment” is not con­trary to Catholic teach­ing, if you mean only that not all will be saved. By reject­ing the “L” of “TULIP,” the Church does not teach uni­ver­sal­ism. Many are called but few are cho­sen. The Coun­cil of Trent makes that clear: “But, though He died for all, yet do not all receive the ben­e­fit of His death, but those only unto whom the mer­it of His pas­sion is com­mu­ni­cat­ed.” It is com­mu­ni­cat­ed only to those who, by free will, coop­er­ate with the grace of God work­ing in them. Thus Canons 4 – 6 pro­nounce anath­e­mas upon those who deny human free will.

Hey, USCCB: Maybe some public penance and resignations would help.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 10, 2019 • Church Scandals

For decades, bish­ops have shield­ed priests who were known to them to be abus­ing minors. Chile’s bish­ops final­ly did one right thing and resigned en masse. (The pope accept­ed three of them.) And ear­li­er this year, Pope Fran­cis lai­cized Arch­bish­op McCar­rick, him­self an abuser. After a while, things like this appear like token ges­tures, as bish­ops make a dis­play of “demand­ing account­abil­i­ty” and “tak­ing steps to ensure,” and then return to busi­ness as usu­al. Except some­times they look up from the cozy trap­pings of cler­i­cal­ism long enough to notice: Gee, peo­ple are leav­ing the Church. Why?

Do Catholics practice sola ecclesia? White vs. Matatics (1997), part 5.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 7, 2019 • Apologetics; Debates; Exegesis; sola scriptura

The short answer to the ques­tion is: No. The Church is bound to the Scrip­tures and to the deposit of faith and its own judg­ments in the exer­cise of its teach­ing author­i­ty; it must elu­ci­date Scrip­ture and the deposit of faith and apply them to new ques­tions; no more. That is what Catholic apol­o­gists mean when they say that the Church is the ser­vant of the Scrip­tures and the ser­vant of the deposit of faith. Now. Protes­tants think in the par­a­digm of sola; so upon learn­ing that Catholics reject sola scrip­tura, they con­clude they must prac­tice sola eccle­sia. But no.

Wherein James White’s definition of sola scriptura does not help him at all. White vs. Matatics (1997), part 4.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 6, 2019 • Apologetics; Debates; sola scriptura

I have said mul­ti­ple times on this wery blog that, if one were to piece togeth­er a def­i­n­i­tion of sola scrip­tura based only upon quo­ta­tions from the Church Fathers said to sup­port it, you would come up with some­thing no Catholic would dis­agree with. And you would nev­er think to use the word sola in con­nec­tion with it. If you go about it this way — if you start with the quo­ta­tions and work your way to a def­i­n­i­tion — you would not get sola scrip­tura. If you worked in reverse, how­ev­er — if you began with the def­i­n­i­tion and only then pecked around for quo­ta­tions — you would be sure to find many words that super­fi­cial­ly sound like it.

Did St. Augustine teach sola scriptura? White vs. Matatics (1997), part 3.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 5, 2019 • Apologetics; Debates; sola scriptura

This is a con­tin­u­a­tion of a long-dor­mant series on a 1997 debate on sola scrip­tura between Dr.* James White and Ger­ry Matat­ics. Dr.* White finds two quo­ta­tions in St. Augus­tine which he thinks are argu­ments for sola scrip­tura, but they amount—like his oth­er quo­ta­tions from the Church Fathers—to cher­ry-pick­ing words out of con­text. Dr.* White’s def­i­n­i­tion of sola scrip­tura is very pre­cise, and yet the quo­ta­tions he choos­es don’t come near that pre­ci­sion. It’s like he’s throw­ing darts and miss­ing not just the tar­get but the whole board. He real­ly needs to do a bet­ter job at this.

His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Cafeteria Catholic.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 3, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Vatican II

The valu­able Mike Lewis at Where Peter Is has the sto­ry on Car­di­nal Burke’s lat­est brazen dec­la­ra­tion of dis­sent from the Mag­is­teri­um. I’ll get to all that, but first it’s nec­es­sary to remind our­selves that Burke has gone down this road before. Back in 2016, Burke spoke with reporters and declared that we can over­look Nos­tra Aetate because it’s “not dog­mat­ic.” Of course, it does not mat­ter whether it’s “dog­mat­ic” or not; it’s the teach­ing of a Church coun­cil, and Burke is on inde­fen­si­ble ground if he thinks Catholics can just wave their hand at that.

No, the Council of Florence did not teach Limbo.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Apologetics; Church History

Ye olde debate over Lim­bo has been res­ur­rect­ed because Fr. Richard Heil­man shared this arti­cle of mine from the Nation­al Catholic Reg­is­ter. “Four Rea­sons I Don’t Believe in the Lim­bo of Infants” — that was the title. I can’t remem­ber whether the title was mine or the Reg­is­ter chose it; it doesn’t mat­ter. Imme­di­ate­ly the Lim­bo apol­o­gists crawled like spi­ders over Fr.‘s post, and one declaimed that it was a scan­dal indeed to share my arti­cle on this, since the INFALLIBLE Coun­cil of Flo­rence had declared oth­er­wise. Uh. No. It did not.

Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome Vol. XXV: Athanasius contra Magisterium.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 1, 2019 • Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

The Vat­i­can is imple­ment­ing the Abu Dhabi state­ment, and the Faith­ful Catholic™ freak-out con­tin­ues apace, Athan­sius con­tra Mag­is­teri­um. “The spread of this doc­u­ment in its uncor­rect­ed form,” Fake Site writes, quot­ing ACM, “will ‘par­a­lyze the Church’s mis­sion ad gentes’ and ‘suf­fo­cate her burn­ing zeal to evan­ge­lize all men.’ ” ACM went on and said that if the pope does not cor­rect the “erro­neous affir­ma­tion on the diver­si­ty of reli­gions,” then “men in the Church not betray Jesus Christ as the only Sav­ior of mankind.” That’s wild.