When compassion is superior to apologetics.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 18, 2020 • Apologetics; On Other Blogs

When some­one is wound­ed — whether it’s a par­ent who lost a child and blames God, or some­one who’s been sex­u­al­ly abused and is strug­gling to fig­ure out who they are, or some­one who’s been false­ly accused by peo­ple he knew — the last thing they are look­ing for is the Right Answers. And cer­tain­ly they’re not look­ing to be inter­ro­gat­ed by some­one who wants to know if they’re still fol­low­ing all the moral laws. There are times when this kind of response only makes their hurt worse. They want love.Apologetics has an impor­tant place, but this is what God revealed to Julian of Nor­wich: “I saw that God is to us every­thing which is good and com­fort­ing for our help. God is our cloth­ing, who wraps and enfolds us for love, embraces us and shel­ters us, sur­rounds us for love, which is so ten­der that God may nev­er desert us.”

Let’s abandon this bad apologetic argument Thomas More used against Luther.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 16, 2020 • Apologetics; Exegesis

It’s pos­si­ble St. Thomas More is respon­si­ble for the fact that so many Catholics like to cite John 20:30 – 31 and John 21:25 as proof texts against sola scrip­tura. I haven’t tried to trace the argu­ment for­ward. Cer­tain it is, how­ev­er, that you’ll hear it a lot if you watch “The Jour­ney Home” on EWTN, and every now and then you’ll find it on Catholic apolo­get­ics Web sites and in longish apolo­get­ics “guides.” Here’s John 20:30 – 31 in the RSV-CE: “Now Jesus did many oth­er signs in the pres­ence of the dis­ci­ples, which are not writ­ten in this book, but these are writ­ten that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believ­ing you may have life in his name.”

Bishop Schneider says Dignitatis Humanae should be “corrected.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 12, 2020 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Vatican II

Athana­sius Schnei­der, aux­il­iary bish­op of Kaza­khstan, once again feels a need to tell us that God does not pos­i­tive­ly will the diver­si­ty of reli­gions we find in the world. We’ve been through this before. It all goes back to a joint state­ment that the pope signed with Mus­lim lead­ers at Abu Dhabi in Feb­ru­ary of 2019. The pope clar­i­fied that the diver­si­ty of reli­gions is part of God’s per­mis­sive will, and Life­Site­News trum­pet­ed that as a “win.” But two months lat­er, Schnei­der was claim­ing the pope need­ed to “cor­rect” Abu Dhabi. Three months after that, he wailed that the pope was betray­ing Jesus Christ. Now he says Vat­i­can II itself must be cor­rect­ed, and he thinks he has prece­dent for cor­rect­ing Church coun­cils.

Does Jesus condemn tradition in Mark 7:13? White v. Matatics (1997), part 8.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 11, 2020 • Apologetics; Debates; Exegesis

You nul­li­fy the word of God by your tra­di­tion!” Christ tells the Phar­isees in Mark 7:13. Mark 7:13 is a com­mon Protes­tant proof text for sola scrip­tura and, specif­i­cal­ly, against the author­i­ty of tra­di­tion — so much so that Dr.* White ends his open­ing state­ment with it. See? he cries. Jesus con­demned tra­di­tion! We’ll get there. But first let’s join Dr.* White around 35:45, when he turns to an oft-stat­ed and, truth be told, bizarre claim: The deci­sion to con­vert to Catholi­cism is a fal­li­ble deci­sion. No doubt it is, but who denies it? It’s hard to tell what Dr.* White thinks he proves by point­ing this out.

Blueprint for anarchy: bad argument against sola scriptura? White v. Matatics (1997), part 7.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 10, 2020 • Apologetics; Debates; sola scriptura

If Dr.* White wants to claim that “blue­print for anar­chy” is a bad argu­ment, he’ll need to prove why it’s a false argu­ment. Take up Mr. Madrid’s chal­lenge and show us sola scrip­tura “actu­al­ly work­ing.” It will not be enough for Dr.* White to mere­ly com­plain that he doesn’t like those words. Nor can he just scoff at an exag­ger­at­ed num­ber of denom­i­na­tions as a sub­sti­tute for address­ing the prob­lem of divi­sion itself — as though, hav­ing proved the num­ber ain’t that high, he can pull the cov­ers over him­self and sleep the sleep of the just.

Did St. Athanasius teach sola scriptura? White v. Matatics (1997), part 6.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 9, 2020 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Debates; sola scriptura

Protes­tants know that if the Church Fathers did not talk about sola scrip­tura, then it real­ly would be an inven­tion of the Ref­or­ma­tion that was unknown before. Sure­ly, if it were a true doc­trine, some­one knew about it before the six­teenth cen­tu­ry! So they go plow­ing through vol­ume after vol­ume of the Church Fathers try­ing to find it by force of div­ina­tion, which they call sound exe­ge­sis. In the ear­li­er parts of his open­ing state­ment, Dr.* White has claimed to find it in St. Cyril, in Theodor­et, and in St. Augus­tine. Now he tries to pile on St. Athana­sius. St. Athana­sius is a real hero of Dr.* White’s.

Did Pope Liberius teach heresy about Arianism?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Apologetics; Church History

This arti­cle is a com­pan­ion piece to an ear­li­er one from 2017, about Pope Hon­o­rius I; and one from last year, about Pope John XXII. These are the three popes peo­ple will often cite to prove that popes can be heretics. Some­times anti-Catholic Protes­tants are look­ing for an exam­ple of why infal­li­bil­i­ty can’t be true and the papa­cy is a tra­di­tion of men. Oth­er times, anti-Catholic Catholics (for they too exist) are look­ing for a prece­dent as they seek to jus­ti­fy them­selves in their belief that Pope Fran­cis is a heretic.

Saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Hays.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Blogging & Writing; On Other Blogs


Bad apologists say: Sola scriptura has led to 33,000 Protestant denominations.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 8, 2020 • Apologetics; sola scriptura

This is the first of a new series enti­tled “Bad Apol­o­gists Say,” in which I review some remark­ably inef­fec­tive argu­ments for the faith, or against oth­ers, that Catholics tend to be mys­te­ri­ous­ly attached to. I begin here with the myth of “33,000 Protes­tant denom­i­na­tions,” which is usu­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with Steve Ray. If you take a look at the actu­al source Mr. Ray uses, you will find all sorts of prob­lems, one of which is that it counts only 9,000 denom­i­na­tions, and anoth­er of which is that its def­i­n­i­tion of “denom­i­na­tion” is prac­ti­cal­ly designed to give you inflat­ed num­bers. It even includes denom­i­na­tions of groups that can’t even be called Chris­t­ian in the first place.

Catholics, please stop promoting justification by works. It’s a condemned heresy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • Apologetics; Justification

Two Catholics—a writer for Catholic Answers as well as an actu­al archbishop–are claim­ing that it is obe­di­ence to the law that mer­its heav­en and allows us to avoid Hell. This is painful, because I spent a lot of time dur­ing my con­ver­sion work­ing past a mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Catholic teach­ing I was con­di­tioned to believe: that the Church teach­es jus­ti­fi­ca­tion by work. It does­n’t, and it’s actu­al­ly a heresy to which the Coun­cil of Trent attach­es the penal­ty of excom­mu­ni­ca­tion.

Archbishop Viganò writes letter to Trump, and it’s every bit as wild as you’d expect.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 7, 2020 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Politics

It’s very sad to watch. Peo­ple all over Face­book are call­ing this let­ter “pow­er­ful” and “one for the his­to­ry books.” “He rep­re­sents the true Church,” one said. “Extra­or­di­nary courage,” said anoth­er. When you can say words like that about a let­ter filled with con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries and eschat­a­log­i­cal gob­bledy­gook about the “chil­dren of light” and “chil­dren of dark­ness,” I don’t think you’re in a posi­tion to be rea­soned with. Viganò’s let­ter is what a faction’s itch­ing ears want to hear, and they have turned unto fables.

Apparently Catholic apologist Steve Ray has not heard of the Pieta.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 6, 2020 • Blind Guides & False Prophets