Perennial quadrennial errors about Catholicism and political commitment.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 29, 2020 • Catholic Church; Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Fr. Frank Pavone, despite being forced by anony­mous “Church author­i­ties” to resign from Trump’s re-elec­tion cam­paign (i.e., in an “offi­cial” capac­i­ty), keeps insist­ing that Catholic cler­gy some­how ought to be call­ing out the immoral­i­ty of “Democ­rats.” No one can seem to find out to whom Pavone is account­able. At the same time, ran­dom strangers in social media keep try­ing to bul­ly Catholic vot­ers who plan to vote for Joe Biden. Actu­al Church teach­ing takes a dim view of both stances. [Read more.]

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