Ben Shapiro producer: Property more valuable than life.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 26, 2020 • Pro-Life Issues


In the main he’s get­ting dumped on for this, which is encour­ag­ing. Bor­e­ing is deeply con­fused. If some­one breaks into your prop­er­ty, you cer­tain­ly do have a right to defend your­self with lethal force—but only if your own life or safe­ty is at stake. If some­one is in your dri­ve­way beat­ing up your car with a base­ball bat, you’re not allowed to kill him. Only defense of life mer­its tak­ing anoth­er life, nev­er defense of prop­er­ty. In a riot, police cer­tain­ly have the right to use dead­ly force against riot­ers, but they’re quelling the riot in order to pro­tect the lives and the safe­ty of per­sons, includ­ing their own.

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Frank Pavone threatens to withhold absolution from Democrat-voting Catholics.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 15, 2020 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Politics


We are all going to have to assume that Fr. Frank Pavone is being utter­ly hon­est in his tweet, because to assume that he is engag­ing in mere blus­ter would be unchar­i­ta­ble. Fr. Pavone nev­er engages in blus­ter and is entire­ly hon­est in all things — par­tic­u­lar­ly his canon­i­cal sta­tus in the Church and the fact that his new, sup­port­ive bish­op is wait­ing until just the right moment to come out from behind the cur­tain and announce his iden­ti­ty to an anx­ious, wait­ing world. None of these things are lies, and the Dio­cese of Amar­il­lo is not refus­ing to answer ques­tions about Pavone because they think they’re not real­ly account­able to any­one; it would be unchar­i­ta­ble to hint at such a thing.

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