Pope “dashes hopes of gay Catholics.” Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome, Vol. XXIX.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 15, 2021 • LGBT Issues; Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome


Gay Catholics appar­ent­ly have a remark­able abil­i­ty to keep being shocked by what they’ve heard over and over, as though they’ve been cru­el­ly mis­led. “Every­one already knows,” we always hear, “that the Church is against abor­tion and gay sex.” I’ve had occa­sion to say these words myself to a cer­tain fac­tion of heavy-hand­ed Reminders. But arti­cles like today’s in the Wash­ing­ton Post make me sym­pa­thize with Catholics who spend their days and nights remind­ing. The pope says the Church can’t bless same-sex unions and gay Catholics wail that their “hopes” have been “dashed.”

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