Anti-Abortion Fetishist Cardinal Burke says President Biden is an “apostate.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 5, 2021 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Poor Ray­mond Burke, a prince of the Church, who every­one tells me is a canon lawyer, doesn’t seem to know his canon law. He seems to think Joe Biden is an “apos­tate” who can be excom­municated over being pro-choice. (That is to say, Mr. Biden thinks that abor­tion should be legal, not nec­es­sar­i­ly that abor­tion is good.) I’m afraid both claims are false, and we can dis­patch with both of them quick­ly. On the lat­ter point, canon law express­ly lays out what a Catholic may be excom­mu­ni­cat­ed for, and dis­agree­ing with the Church’s teach­ing about legal abor­tion is not one of them.

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