Mr. X (TurretinFan) is upset, again, about a Coptic MS. misattributed to Athanasius.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 9, 2021 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Marian Dogmas

The crack apol­o­gist and five­point Calvin­ist who calls him­self “Tur­ret­inFan,” and who is known to us as Mr. X, first got upset about this man­u­script in 2008. Then, he got upset again in 2009. Now in 2021, after a blog­ging sab­bat­i­cal of six weeks, he has decid­ed to let us know that he is upset again. Maybe that explains his absence; he couldn’t bring him­self to log onto his blog and has spent the days in severe prayer. I don’t know. It’s not hard to imag­ine why Mr. X is so upset; the man­su­cript in ques­tion is the “Homi­ly of the Papyrus of Turin” [HPT]. The (lost) orig­i­nal dates to around the 4th cen­tu­ry — the one extant man­u­script is from the 6th — and Catholic apol­o­gists like to cite it as an ear­ly exam­ple of Mar­i­an ven­er­a­tion.

Abp. Gomez fearmongers about a global conspiracy of secular elites; calls social justice a “new religion.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 6, 2021 • Blind Guides & False Prophets

I won’t deny, if you insist, that sec­u­lar­ism is a prob­lem for the Church; I won’t deny, for it would be fool­hardy, that elit­ism exists, even among prelates. But it’s a fever­ish, undis­ci­plined mind that would try to attribute these things, with­out evi­dence or exam­ple, to a glob­al con­spir­a­cy of bogey­men who are out to get Chris­tians. Arch­bish­op Gomez des­per­ate­ly wants to be per­se­cut­ed. His recent — hideous — address, deliv­ered in Madrid on Novem­ber 4, is titled “Reflec­tions on the Church and America’s New Reli­gions”; and you may read it if you insist, but keep in mind, dear read­er, that part of my duty as a blog­ger is to read such painful things so you won’t have to.

Msgr. Kevin Irwin’s bizarre attempt to call belief in Eucharistic miracles “heresy.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 5, 2021 • Apologetics; Sacraments; The Eucharist

At the Nation­al Catholic Reporter, Msgr. Irwin is exer­cised by the bish­ops’ draft doc­u­ment The Mys­tery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church. His main con­cern is that the lan­guage of the doc­u­ment is too out­mod­ed; “it reflects 400-year-old the­ol­o­gy,” he says, rather than devel­op­ments since Vat­i­can II. It uses musty words like “tran­sub­stan­ti­a­tion”; it insists on obscure dis­tinc­tions between “venial” and “mor­tal” sin; it uses the term “Real Pres­ence,” for Jesus’ sake! “Are these terms,” Msgr. won­ders, “aimed at peo­ple who no longer attend Mass,” or are they aimed instead at the bish­ops them­selves?

According to Holy Mother Church, conversion is the work of the Holy Spirit.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 3, 2021 • Apologetics

I am astound­ed that I have to set out to prove this, but there we are; the Church’s biggest mis­sion field is the Church. Let’s start with the Cat­e­chism of the Catholic Church (a very good place to start). There, in §1989, we read: “The first work of the grace of the Holy Spir­it is con­ver­sion, effect­ing jus­ti­fi­ca­tion in accor­dance with Jesus’ procla­ma­tion at the begin­ning of the Gospel: ‘Repent, for the king­dom of heav­en is at hand.’ Moved by grace, man turns toward God and away from sin, thus accept­ing for­give­ness and right­eous­ness from on high.” Con­ver­sion (whether ini­tial con­ver­sion or con­tin­u­ing con­ver­sion) is all gift and all grace

There is no conflict between pursuing justice and pursuing holiness.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 1, 2021 • Church Social Teaching; Saints

There is a bizarre cur­rent of thought, among Catholics antag­o­nis­tic to social jus­tice, that says that such con­cerns detract from the call to holi­ness. The “SJWs,” they will declaim, “nev­er talk about holi­ness. It’s all about social evil, nev­er their own need for Christ.” Apart from the fact that this is so absurd­ly and demon­stra­bly untrue, the saints — both declared and unde­clared — nev­er once speak of jus­tice and holi­ness as though they are in con­flict with each oth­er. The very notion is uncatholic. You can not be holy unless you pur­sue jus­tice: That idea runs through the entire Old Tes­ta­ment, and the entire New.