Pope St. Pius X vs. Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 26, 2022 • papacy; Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome

Crit­ics of Pope Fran­cis claim to love tra­di­tion while time and again tra­di­tion turns out to be utter­ly for­eign to them. And thus, in just the most recent exam­ple, the trad­dies decide that a Mar­i­an title from a Byzan­tine hymn that dates to before 1000 A.D. — well-known among East­ern Catholics and Ortho­dox Chris­tians — must be a ref­er­ence to Pachama­ma and proof of the here­sies of Pope Fran­cis. The irony is that gen­uine Catholic tra­di­tion also teach­es that the pope is pro­tect­ed by God from lead­ing the Church into error and that Catholics owe the pope reli­gious sub­mis­sion, not rebel­lion (or as demon con­sul­tant Tay­lor Mar­shall puts it, “rec­og­nize and resist”).

Fatimistas have meltdown over Italian text of consecration.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 25, 2022 • Apologetics; Blind Guides & False Prophets

Pope Fran­cis and the world’s bish­ops recon­se­crate — I empha­size: reconsecrate—Russia to the Immac­u­late Heart of Mary today; and where the Eng­lish text refers to Mary as “Queen of Heav­en,” the Ital­ian text calls her “ter­ra del cielo,” which means “earth of heav­en.” The Fatimis­tas, who seem to think the pope is reli­gious­ly bound by every last gran­u­lar detail of a pri­vate rev­e­la­tion, are apoplec­tic. Demon con­sul­tant Tay­lor Mar­shall was ini­tial­ly non-com­mit­tal and insist­ed he was “study­ing” the mat­ter. Then, after an intense appli­ca­tion of every ounce of intel­lect he could muster, Dr. Mar­shall decid­ed that “earth of heav­en” could be noth­ing oth­er than a ref­er­ence to Pachama­ma.

1 Peter 5:1 is not a proof text against papal primacy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 23, 2022 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Exegesis; papacy

“I exhort you as your fel­low elder,” St. Peter writes, and it’s hard to know who first tried to use this verse as a proof-text against papal pri­ma­cy. Why, Peter him­self says he’s just one among many! So why does the pope lord it over the whole Church? One thing it’s not hard to know is that the Church Fathers are full of asser­tions that Peter does have pri­ma­cy, and not one of them ever cites 1 Peter 5:1 to refute the idea. If the text does deny papal pri­ma­cy, appar­ent­ly none of the Church Fathers were aware of it. Dear read­er, you’re wel­come to search an index of Scrip­ture ref­er­ences in the Church Fathers if you think you can find any of them cit­ing 1 Peter 5:1 to deny the pri­ma­cy of Peter. Sure­ly they were aware of the text — Cypri­an refers to it, as do Ter­tul­lian and Jerome — but none of them think it means that Peter is no more than the equal of all oth­er bish­ops.

If you call the pope a heretic, you’re calling Christ a liar.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 21, 2022 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Exegesis; papacy

St. Fran­cis de Sales, among oth­ers, dis­putes the notion that a pope could teach heresy: “In truth, it is nec­es­sary that we should fol­low him sim­ply, not guide him; oth­er­wise the sheep would be shep­herds. … Now all this has not only been true of St. Peter, but also of his suc­ces­sors; for the cause remain­ing the effect remains like­wise. The Church has always need of an infal­li­ble con­firmer, to whom she can appeal; of a foun­da­tion which the gates of hell, and prin­ci­pal­ly error, can­not over­throw; and has always need that her pas­tor should be unable to lead her chil­dren into error. The suc­ces­sors, then, of St. Peter all have these same priv­i­leges.”