Catholic professor Tony Esolen & Catholic apologist Karl Keating say black female poets are inferior.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 14, 2022 • Literature

It all start­ed because Prof. Esolen, liv­ing in the pure wilds of New Hamp­shire, peered out the win­dow of his study long enough to con­tem­plate the decline of West­ern civ­i­liza­tion and work him­self into a pique. This time he was upset about Maya Angelou’s black coun­te­nance star­ing at him from a quar­ter, and he got on Face­book and wrote: “I hear that Maya Angelou (nee Mar­guerite John­son) will be grac­ing the US quar­ter — or one such, such as we’ve done with the states, and oth­er things. It’s fit­ting, I guess, because nei­ther the quar­ter nor her poems are worth two bits. All’s polit­i­cal, and all’s slo­ga­neer­ing.”

Mary Pezzulo does the hard work I can’t do on Lauren Handy

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 6, 2022 • On Other Blogs; Pro-Life Issues

Mary writes: “Mean­while I have seen many, many peo­ple whose birth trau­ma or trau­mat­ic mem­o­ries of abor­tion were trig­gered by the pho­tos and videos the past sev­er­al days, lead­ing to ter­ri­ble suf­fer­ing. I have seen many, many pro-choice peo­ple more con­vinced than ever that pro-lif­ers are ghoul­ish and insane. I have seen no minds or hearts changed. None at all. Graph­ic and dis­turb­ing atten­tion-seek­ing media cir­cus­es don’t change people’s minds about abor­tion. If they did, they would have by now. We’ve had many. They don’t work.”

Pro Marx, Contra Marx.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 4, 2022 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; LGBT Issues; Moral Theology

So I was going to write a post about Car­di­nal Marx and his dumb remarks recent­ly about how Catholics are per­fect­ly free to be flex­i­ble with the Cat­e­chism, espe­cial­ly when it comes to those trou­ble­some para­graphs on homo­sex­u­al­i­ty. Then I saw that Bish­op Strick­land opened his yap about it on Twit­ter, and so I guess I have to sweep up the detri­tis of Strickland’s error before I turn to Marx’s. Strick­land saw the sto­ry at Catholic World Report and, appar­ent­ly with­out exer­cis­ing any the­o­log­i­cal fore­thought, tweet­ed that Car­di­nal Marx had “left the Catholic faith.

Exploitation of the dead is not pro-life. It is contempt for life.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • • In the News; Pro-Life Issues

By now you’ve all heard the hor­rif­ic details about Lau­ren Handy, the so-called pro-life activist who was keep­ing five frozen fetus­es in her home. There are still unan­swered ques­tions about how these dead bod­ies were obtained, and whether they were all (or if any of them were) actu­al­ly abort­ed; for exam­ple, one was still intact and attached to the pla­cen­ta, and anoth­er was en caul. There is some spec­u­la­tion that Handy, with or with­out the group she belongs to (Pro­gres­sive Anti-Abor­tion Upris­ing, or PAAU), intend­ed to use the corpses in a pub­lic­i­ty stunt of some sort. I don’t know. My friend Mary Pez­zu­lo at Steel Mag­ni­fi­cat writes about all of it here, and you should read her arti­cle. It’s the only real­ly good thing I’ve read about the whole ugly sto­ry.