Papal infallibility does not mean a pope can’t sin. [Part 3.1 of a series.]

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 2, 2023 • Apologetics; papacy; Papal Infallibility


Now that we have seen how the Church defines infal­li­bil­i­ty at Vat­i­can I, we can turn to what infal­li­bil­i­ty does not mean. And the first thing it does not mean is that a pope can nev­er sin. Catholics would have to deny their own Church his­to­ry to believe this claim, typ­i­cal­ly made by anti-Catholic Protes­tants. Popes Stephen VI, John XII, Urban VI, Six­tus IV, Inno­cent VIII, Alexan­der VI, and Paul IV (to name only a few) were noto­ri­ous sin­ners. Catholics have hid­den none of this and don’t need to.

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