Infallibility does not mean a pope can tell us all things. [Part 3.3 of a series.]

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 19, 2024 • Apologetics; Papal Infallibility

Protestants—some of them: those who spend a large por­tion of their lives pon­der­ing the errors of Rome—seem to think infal­li­bil­i­ty means a pope can tell us all things. Or at least those things I real­ly would like to know. A pope can use his infal­li­bil­i­ty to tell us any­thing he wants to reveal. Can’t he? If he want­ed, he could tell me how many jel­ly beans are in the jar, or how many steps there are between the Tiber Riv­er and Peter Kwasniewski’s license plate. So why doesn’t he give an infal­li­ble inter­pre­ta­tion of every verse of Scrip­ture?

I’m glad to report that Ultramontanists do not exist.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 15, 2024 • False Report; papacy

Ultra­mon­tanists are like the bogey­man: a myth­i­cal being used to fright­en chil­dren. Thus at The Catholic Thing, Fr. Jef­frey Kir­by warns his read­ers about “the rise of the Ultra­mon­tanists.” You nev­er know when the bogey­man is going to come and get you; you nev­er know when the Ultra­mon­tanist is going to wreck the Church. It’s an always-present dan­ger. I have very fre­quent­ly been accused of being an Ultra­mon­tanist, for no oth­er rea­son than that I defend the pope and believe the Holy Spir­it safe­guards the Church from ever teach­ing error. Thus when­ev­er I see an arti­cle like this one, the first thing I do is check whether the author defines what an Ultra­mon­tanist is. Not every­one who uses the term does; it’s a dis­ser­vice to the read­er.

Not everything a pope says is infallible. [Part 3.2 of a series.]

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 14, 2024 • Apologetics; Papal Infallibility

Popes say a lot; you can count on one hand the num­ber of times infal­li­bil­i­ty has been exer­cised in 175 years. When Pope Fran­cis said “Who am I to judge?” he was not infal­li­ble. Even when you inter­pret that state­ment correctly—and most peo­ple don’t—he was not infal­li­ble. None of Bene­dict XVI’s social jus­tice encycli­cals are infal­li­ble. John Paul II’s The­ol­o­gy of the Body is not infal­li­ble. Humanae Vitae is not infal­li­ble. Noth­ing that John XXIII taught is infal­li­ble. When a pope gives a homi­ly, or teach­es at a Wednes­day audi­ence, or speaks to a reporter, or engages in small talk dur­ing break­fast, or screams obscen­i­ties after stub­bing his toe, he does not speak infal­li­bly.