The last thing I am going to write about Donald Trump.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 24, 2024 • Politics


I do not like Joe Biden. (I think he’s a good guy, but as pres­i­dent I don’t like him.) I think he’s too old, he’s vis­i­bly show­ing his age, I dis­agree with prob­a­bly 90% of his policies–including his sup­port for abor­tion rights, includ­ing his sup­port for same-sex “mar­riage.” But if this were an ear­li­er year, if it were a very dif­fer­ent can­di­date on the Repub­li­can side, all of that would actu­al­ly mat­ter. I would not hes­i­tate to vote for Ronald Rea­gan over Joe Biden. I would not hes­i­tate to vote for George W. Bush over Joe Biden. If the GOP did what it will not do and nom­i­nat­ed Lynne Cheney, I would vote for her over Joe Biden. But that is not the elec­tion choice we actu­al­ly do have, and for that rea­son none of those crit­i­cisms I have of Joe Biden mat­ter.

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The important difference between “grave matter” and “mortal sin.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 3, 2024 • Theology


If you’re not Catholic, you may be think­ing: “But Alt! You guys throw these terms around—mortal sin; grave mat­ter; venial sin—I don’t know what these mean.” I get it; it’s not you. Catholics con­flate “mor­tal sin” and “grave mat­ter” all the time—even those who know the dif­fer­ence and could rat­tle it off by rote if brought before the Inqui­si­tion. Often, some will speak as though there is only a ten­u­ous dif­fer­ence at best, of no more note than the dif­fer­ence between mud and mire. “Abor­tion is a mor­tal sin!” they will cry.

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