bby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood director who became a “pro-life” superstar, has quite a history of racist rants on Twitter, as my friend Mary Pezzulo documents on her blog. Back in September, she used the words “thug” and “stain” to describe Bishop Talbert Swan, who happens to be black, and then proceeded to lecture him about how he was a disgrace to his own community. (AJ, in case you did not know, is white. A white woman telling a black man he’s a disgrace to the black community. “Let me tell you about real racism,” white woman tells black man. You are “an enemy to your own people.” Very lovely.) If I am not mistaken, she deleted some of this, but screenshots are forever [one / two].
Then a Filipino priest, Fr. Stephanos Pedrano, intervened to ask AJ to apologize to Bishop Swan. She proceeded to call him a “heretic” who should “not be a priest” and said he should be “purged” from the Church. (I have the screenshot of that too.)
Mary Pezzulo, again, has more about all this here. Now, it’s blatantly obvious at this point that Abby Johnson is given to racist outbursts—using words like “thug” and “purge” and reprimanding a black man for not being a credit to his race. So what should happen when, in Minnesota, a black man is murdered by a white police officer? You’ve heard the story. The policeman, Derek Chauvin, knelt upon George Floyd’s neck. Mr. Floyd pleaded that he could not breathe. Chauvin kept kneeling. Mr. Floyd pleaded that he hurt everywhere. Chauvin kept kneeling. Mr. Floyd pleaded that he was going to die. Chauvin kept kneeling.
You’ve seen the photos of this.

What does Abby Johnson say? Here is what she tweeted earlier:
What if George Floyd’s death wasn’t about racism? What if it was about sheer incompetence? I’m not saying it’s not about racism. I’m just asking … what if it’s not? Are we able to separate the two anymore?
I’m sorry—actually, I’m not sorry—but this is disingenous. You don’t get to play innocent (I’m not saying it’s not racism) when your whole point is to float the possibility that this is all mere “incompetence.” In a different tweet she conceded that George Floyd was murdered. But if mere “incompetence” is to blame, it couldn’t be murder; it might be involuntary manslaughter. But murder—which AJ says it is—is a deliberate act. It does not come of “incompetence,” and it’s disingenuous and irresponsible to even float such a possibility.
Remember: Chauvin knelt on Mr. Floyd’s neck and continued to kneel even while he pleaded that he could not breathe and was in distress. Incompetence is not a possibility. It’s blinding yourself to the real issue to scratch your chin and say, Well, we should really distinguish between racism and incompetence, you know.
AJ tries to play the “most cops are good” card. “Incompetence does not necessarily equal racism,” she insists. “MOST cops aren’t bad.”
Right. We’re not talking about “most cops.” We’re talking about the one who murdered George Floyd. This is all willful distraction on AJ’s part, as I see it.
But when she’s roundly raked over the coals for all this [one / two / three / four] AJ wails with affected innocence that that she’s just asking questions: WHY CAN’T WE ASK QUESTIONS ANYMORE?????????????????????????
Sorry not sorry, these do not come across as questions in good faith. They come across as racist gaslighting.
But what if it’s just incompetence?
Most cops are good.
White people aren’t racist.
(Yes, she said that too, in an amazing attempt to dial it back without actually recanting.)
As far as I am aware, no one says that white people in the aggregate are racists, so AJ goes to great trouble to swat down a claim no one is making while leaving the real racism unconfronted and, indeed, brushed aside in favor of distraction. AJ is trying here to change the conversation away from racism and toward something that’s far less uncomfortable. She tries to write it off as just a lone incompetent cop.
Meanwhile, cops continue to target and prey upon and even murder black men who pose no threat at all.
And Abby Johnson is who the pro-life movement holds up as a model spokesman for the cause?
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