Associated Press weeps for Gosnell’s staff.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 15, 2013 • In the News; Pro-Life Issues

associated press
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n an inex­cus­able exam­ple of mis­placed sym­pa­thy, Maryclaire Dale at the Asso­ci­at­ed Mess has writ­ten this arti­cle with the vom­it-wor­thy title “Philly Abor­tion Clin­ic Work­ers Saw Few Options.” “They say they were just doing what the boss trained them to do,” Claire writes. (Just fol­low­ing orders, Herr Goebbels?)

But eight for­mer employ­ees of a run-down [Note the euphemistic adjec­tive; we’re meant be con­cerned for their pover­ty here.] Philadel­phia abor­tion clin­ic now face prison time for the work they did for Dr. Ker­mit Gos­nell. …

They say [Ms. Dale means for us to feel sor­ry for them.] they per­formed gru­el­ing, often grue­some work [Grue­some? Real­ly?.] for lit­tle more than min­i­mum wage paid by Gos­nell under the table.

But [I might have guessed that word was com­ing.] for most, it was the best job they could find.

Right. As long as they did­n’t have to flip burg­ers.

Ms. Dale pro­ceeds to tell the five-kleenex-box sto­ry of Stephen Mas­sof, an “unli­censed doc­tor” who just could­n’t get a U.S. res­i­den­cy. The poor man. Work­ing for Gos­nell was his “back­up plan”; he real­ly had noth­ing else to do, you see—he was backed into a cor­ner.

Eileen O’Neill, the sec­ond char­ac­ter in our Dick­en­sian Tragedy, was forced to “relin­quish” her med­ical license due to “post-trau­mat­ic stress.” The PTSD like­ly also con­tributed to the false billing and rack­e­teer­ing that she is charged with, but cer­tain­ly you can sym­pa­thize with the Root Caus­es that brought her to this Awful Tragedy In Her Life. She even had to deal with “line[s] of peo­ple” at Gos­nel­l’s clin­ic who want­ed painkillers. Will such hor­rors ever end?

It’s Just A Shame. Noth­ing left to do with your­self but slit a few spinal cords and necks.

There’s more, but we must close the cur­tain on this High Tragedy, in def­er­ence to the Emo­tion­al Feel­ings of Wom­ankind, who would be undone by such scenes of our day.

We leave but one tale untold, how­ev­er, which we beg you, Gen­tle Read­er, to per­mit us. It’s the Sad Tale of Sher­ry West, who “plead­ed guilty to third-degree mur­der for admin­is­ter­ing drugs to a refugee from Bhutan who died of a drug over­dose dur­ing a 2009 abor­tion.”

Here’s the but: “She tes­ti­fied this week that she had doubts about her plea. ‘It was all so con­fus­ing,’ she said, accord­ing to the Philadel­phia Inquir­er. ‘I did­n’t know what to do.’ ”

Well, that is what hap­pens when you live in a cul­ture that refus­es to talk pub­licly about objec­tive moral good and objec­tive moral evil. You get mon­sters like Ker­mit Gos­nell, moral igno­ra­mus­es like Sher­ry West, and mobs of scrib­bling idiots like Maryclaire Dale.



1. News­busters also picks up on this out­ra­geous arti­cle.

2. Michelle Malk­in’s col­umn is here.

3. Read about it on Hot Air here.

4. And on Life News here.

5. Sim­cha Fish­er at the Nation­al Catholic Reg­is­ter has this excel­lent piece tak­ing on the lib­er­al out­lets Jezebel, XOJane, and Slate for actu­al­ly blam­ing pro-lif­ers for Gos­nell.

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