We should retire this balderdash about papal infallibility …

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 4, 2017 • Apologetics; Papal Infallibility

balderdash about papal infallibility
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nd I mean the balder­dash that says you only have to lis­ten to the pope when he speaks infal­li­bly. But no. That is not what the Cat­e­chism says:


Divine assis­tance is also giv­en to the suc­ces­sors of the apos­tles, teach­ing in com­mu­nion with the suc­ces­sor of Peter, and, in a par­tic­u­lar way, to the bish­op of Rome, pas­tor of the whole Church, when, with­out arriv­ing at an infal­li­ble def­i­n­i­tion and with­out pro­nounc­ing in a “defin­i­tive man­ner,” they pro­pose in the exer­cise of the ordi­nary Mag­is­teri­um a teach­ing that leads to bet­ter under­stand­ing of Rev­e­la­tion in mat­ters of faith and morals. To this ordi­nary teach­ing the faith­ful “are to adhere to it with reli­gious assent” which, though dis­tinct from the assent of faith, is nonethe­less an exten­sion of it.

And that is not what the Pro­fes­sion of Faith says:

With firm faith, I also believe every­thing con­tained in the word of God, whether writ­ten or hand­ed down in Tra­di­tion, which the Church, either by a solemn judg­ment or by the ordi­nary and uni­ver­sal Mag­is­teri­um, sets forth to be believed as divine­ly revealed.

I also firm­ly accept and hold each and every­thing defin­i­tive­ly pro­posed by the Church regard­ing teach­ing on faith and morals.

More­over, I adhere with reli­gious sub­mis­sion of will and intel­lect to the teach­ings which either the Roman Pon­tiff or the Col­lege of Bish­ops enun­ci­ate when they exer­cise their authen­tic Mag­is­teri­um, even if they do not intend to pro­claim these teach­ings by a defin­i­tive act.

And that is not what Lumen Gen­tium 25 says:

In mat­ters of faith and morals, the bish­ops speak in the name of Christ and the faith­ful are to accept their teach­ing and adhere to it with a reli­gious assent. This reli­gious sub­mis­sion of mind and will must be shown in a spe­cial way to the authen­tic mag­is­teri­um of the Roman Pon­tiff, even when he is not speak­ing ex cathe­dra; that is, it must be shown in such a way that his supreme mag­is­teri­um is acknowl­edged with rev­er­ence, the judg­ments made by him are sin­cere­ly adhered to, accord­ing to his man­i­fest mind and will.

And that is not what Canon 752 says:

Although not an assent of faith, a reli­gious sub­mis­sion of the intel­lect and will must be giv­en to a doc­trine which the Supreme Pon­tiff or the col­lege of bish­ops declares con­cern­ing faith or morals when they exer­cise the authen­tic mag­is­teri­um, even if they do not intend to pro­claim it by defin­i­tive act; there­fore, the Chris­t­ian faith­ful are to take care to avoid those things which do not agree with it.

Learn what the Church actu­al­ly teach­es and be hap­py.


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