ancy Pelosi had an audience with the pope, and as sure as Old Faithful will blow, right-wing Catholics proved themselves faithful. Among them was Joseph Strickland, the bishop of Tyler, Texas; who mounted his pulpit on Twitter and declared, with all the solemnity of an edict, that Pelosi was not even a member of the Catholic Church:
Claiming to be Catholic is easy. Living the Catholic faith centered in Jesus Christ is extremely hard. As long as Nancy promotes the slaughter of the unborn she is not a member of the Catholic faith centered in Jesus. It’s as simple as that, labels are cheap! Life is sacred!
Of course, Pelosi does not “promote the slaughter of the unborn”—this is a lie; what she promotes is a refusal to make abortion illegal. In my view (and in Church teaching), Pelosi is wrong, but the distinction is important to make. A person who thinks masturbation should not be illegal does not “promote adultery” or “the breakdown of faithful marriage.” And a person who thinks abortion should not be illegal does not “promote the slaughter of the unborn.” Unless we can make this distinction, we are not engaging in argument intended to persuade, but in propaganda.
Another way to put that is to say that Bishop Strickland is guilty of calumny [see CCC 2477]. Nancy Pelosi’s position on abortion is wrong; the fact that “God has given us a free will” no more implies that abortion may be legal than it implies that everything may be legal; but a culture of life is not served by lying about what her position actually is.
Catholics can not be witnesses of the truth to Nancy Pelosi—or to anyone else—if they begin with a lie.
But—this is the other half of Strickland’s claim—even if Nancy Pelosi did “promote the slaughter of the unborn,” she would still be “a member of the Catholic faith” for no other reason than that she has been baptized.
Nothing—nothing—erases baptism. Sin does not erase baptism; dissent does not erase baptism; excommunication does not erase baptism; not even apostasy erases baptism. Even Catholics in Hell are still Catholic. Here is the Catechism of the Catholic Church § 1272:
Incorporated into Christ by Baptism, the person baptized is configured to Christ. Baptism seals the Christian with the indelible spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation. Given once for all, Baptism cannot be repeated.
No. Sin. Can. Erase. This. Mark.
I’m content to accept that that means no sin can erase this mark.
Moreover, the following paragraph of the Catechism, § 1273, says that, by baptism, Catholics are “incorporated into the Church.” Pope Francis expanded on this in a General Audience of May 9, 2018:
The seal of Baptism is never lost! “Father, but if a person becomes an infamous brigand, who kills people, who inflicts injustice, does the seal not disappear?” No. To his own shame a child of God is the person who does these things; but the seal does not go away. And he continues to be a child of God, who opposes God; but God never disowns his children. Do you understand this last point? God never disowns his children. Shall we all repeat it together? “God never disowns his children.” …
Hence the priest anoints the head of every baptized person with the sacred chrism after pronouncing these words which explain the significance: God himself “anoints you with the chrism of salvation, so that, united with his people, you may remain for ever a member of Christ who is Priest, Prophet, and King.”
“So that .… you may remain for ever a member of Christ.”
Nancy Pelosi was baptized, and for that reason—and that reason alone—she is “for ever a member of Christ.”
It would be entirely proper—Bishop Strickland would have no argument from me—if he had said that Nancy Pelosi is a “dissenting Catholic.” But to deny that she is “a member of the Catholic faith” is false, and surely Bishop Strickland knows better than this.
But Alt! I can hear someone saying. Surely you’re going too far when you claim that Bishop Strickland is promoting heresy!
Here is Canon 6 of the Council of Trent’s canons On the Sacraments:
If any one saith, that the sacraments of the New Law [Baptism would be one of those.] do not contain the grace which they signify; or, that they do not confer that grace on those who do not place an obstacle thereunto; as though they were merely outward signs of grace or justice received through faith, and certain marks of the Christian profession, whereby believers are distinguished amongst men from unbelievers; let him be anathema.
- Leaves an indelible mark as one of its “graces”;
- Is not a mere “outward sign,” but is unto salvation;
- Distinguishes believers from unbelievers
These are truths about a sacrament, they are divinely revealed, and denying them would certainly constitute a heresy as defined by Canon 751: “the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith.”
The Council of Trent attached a penalty of excommunication to these heresies about baptism.
I don’t mean to say that Bishop Strickland is guilty of formal heresy—that is outside my competence to judge—but within the statement that Nancy Pelosi is “not a member of the Catholic faith” is an implicit heresy. I suspect Bishop Strickland is speaking carelessly, or not thinking through the implications of what he is saying, rather than consciously entertaining a heresy about baptism.
That’s a serious problem of itself, however. Pope Francis is often criticized by right-wing Catholics—the very same Catholics who admire Strickland—for being sloppy and inexact in his phrasing. (Even I have criticized the pope for that.) By suggesting that Pelosi is not Catholic, Strickland promotes the kind of thinking that (1) does not help the pro-life cause; (2) misrepresents the Catholic faith itself in its sacramental theology. He turns the faith into a private club for right-thinkers rather than a refuge of healing for the lost and wounded.
It means he’s a bad shepherd.
Being Catholic is not a mere “label,” as Strickland pretends. It is our identity. It is an indelible spiritual character. Like it or not, Nancy Pelosi is Catholic. We don’t just get to kick her out or pretend she doesn’t belong to us. God never disowns his children, and Catholics don’t get to disown their brothers and sisters. Not only is it unchristian, it’s heresy.
I’ve made some amendments to this post here.
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