Perhaps one may not, overnight, be able to abandon a sin into which one has fallen and committed for a long period of time. Things you do by habit you often need to abandon in stages. Yes, I avail myself of the confessional; I make a firm purpose of amendment; but perhaps in three days I fall again. The “most generous response” is to recognize the error, return to confession, and try again. God does not say, “I want you to keep sinning.” He does say, “If you can’t abandon your sin overnight, I want you to move in that direction.” That’s why the pope uses words like “for now.”
Is Amoris Laetitia inconsistent in its treatment of conscience? Part 3 of a response to Dr. E. Christian Brugger.
BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 4, 2016 • Amoris Laetitia; Moral Theology