In attack on pope, polemical rogue Mr. John Bugay makes crude joke about multiple orgasms.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 23, 2015 • Anti Catholicism; Pope Francis

There is no cesspool so foul that John Bugay will not jump into it with full-throat­ed glee if it serves his hatred of the Church. The man lost his shame years ago. Con­sid­er that it was this very same polem­i­cal rogue who once pho­to­shopped a Hitler mous­tache onto St. Therese of Lisieux, removed it only under the strong per­sua­sion of his pas­tor, and all the while whim­pered that he had been much maligned and abused by the Catholics who called him out. Well, dear read­er, the dog has returned to his vom­it, this time with a foul and smelly joke about orgasms.

Do priests rob Christ of his high priesthood? Part 2 of a series on John Calvin’s Institutes IV.18.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 1, 2015 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics; priesthood

“Satan,” John Calvin says at the begin­ning of Insti­tutes of the Chris­t­ian Reli­gion, IV.18, “has attempt­ed to adul­ter­ate and envel­op the sacred Sup­per of Christ as with thick dark­ness.” Those are high words. How has Satan done this? you may ask. Oh, it was “with most pesti­len­tial error,” Calvin tells us. For lo! “he blind­ed almost the whole world into the belief that the Mass was a sac­ri­fice and obla­tion for obtain­ing the remis­sion of sins.” Calvin has no patience for any­one who holds to any such idea as that; he describes it as “the com­mon opin­ion of the vul­gar.”

Does the Mass “overthrow the cross of Christ”? Part 1 of a series on John Calvin’s Institutes IV.18.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • December 26, 2014 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics

You can fall down laugh­ing at such words, and I often do. But the point of them is to stir an audi­ence to an irra­tional pitch of wild fear of the Catholic Church. The Church has no power—none—to “over­throw the cross of Christ,” not even if she meant to do so. God is not so weak. But sup­pose you believed that some church could “over­throw the cross of Christ”? Would that not cause you grave con­cern? I know it would me. And that is what Calvin wants his read­ers to believe. That is why his words over­state his mean­ing. It is delib­er­ate; it is of ill intent.

Anti-Catholic agitator Ian Paisley dies.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 12, 2014 • Anti Catholicism; In the News

But the Ulster Protes­tant who refused any polit­i­cal com­pro­mise with North­ern Ireland’s Catholic minor­i­ty, lat­er … com­pro­mised. Both pol­i­tics and reli­gious feel­ing were at play here. Rev. Pais­ley pre­ferred North­ern Ire­land to remain under the con­trol of Eng­land, while the Catholic minor­i­ty felt their inter­ests would bet­ter be pro­tect­ed by inde­pen­dence and union with the Catholic south­ern Ire­land. Lat­er in life, Dr. Pais­ley soft­ened toward them. And telling­ly, the UK Guardian reports on what kind of anti-Catholic Rev. Pais­ley was not.

Polemical rogue Mr. John Bugay blames Catholic Church for ISIS.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 9, 2014 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics

No doubt, dear read­er, you have been read­ing seri­ous things about the wicked hor­ror and evil that does its Satan­ic deeds under the name ISIS. Mean­while, in Pitts­burgh, the polem­i­cal rogue Mr. John Bugay — a man whose rea­son turned vagabond long before — has once more become pos­sessed by the mad desire to out-do Jack Chick for clown­ish buf­foon­ery. Lis­ten to his newest dumb out­rage upon good sense. (But pray do not have food or drink in your mouth, make sure you are secure in your chair, and say a few Aves first.

In defense of Ben Seewald and his freedom to say dumb stuff.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 26, 2014 • Anti Catholicism; In the News

It is a reflec­tion of how bad­ly addict­ed we have become to out­rage porn  that any­one at all was out­raged over what the nine­teen-year-old boyfriend of Jes­sa Dug­gar had to say on Face­book about Catholi­cism. I read the excerpts; lat­er, I read the full post. I wasn’t out­raged. I was bored. They cer­tain­ly were no great reflec­tion on the orig­i­nal­i­ty of Mr. See­wald, but they shouldn’t have been. He’s nine­teen. He’s repeat­ing what he has heard else­where: like­ly, from his pas­tor, his par­ents, and his friends; and what he’s repeat­ing are igno­rant clichés that have been repeat­ed to the point of slum­ber.

United Nations to Pope Francis: Change your doctrine.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 6, 2014 • Anti Catholicism; Pope Francis

If you have not fig­ured it out by now, the Unit­ed Nations report is not about jus­tice. It is about tak­ing down the Catholic Church and attack­ing the priest­hood itself. For if a priest mere­ly has to be accused, and the Unit­ed Nations demands that he be defrocked “imme­di­ate­ly,” then noth­ing is to stop the ene­mies of priests and the ene­mies of Catholi­cism from just going around point­ing fin­gers. No one is demand­ing that the charges be proven. It’s mere­ly “off with their habits and turn them in to us; we’ll han­dle every­thing from here.” That will go well, I am sure.

Is the Infant of Prague idolatrous?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 11, 2013 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics

Mr. Alan “Rhol­o­gy” Mar­i­cle admits that he was bored. Liv­ing in Okla­homa, which will have that effect on a per­son, he “had some time to kill” and could think of noth­ing bet­ter to do than search about for some new Catholic out­rage. Catholi­cism is less plen­teous in Mr. Rho’s stamp­ing ground than it is in Rome, and so he has to look hard across the land­scape for it, pos­si­bly with binoc­u­lars. In this frame of mind, he made a pil­grim­age to Prague, Okla­homa, and the Nation­al Shrine of the Infant Jesus.

Leonardo di Chirico has fun with semantics.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • April 25, 2013 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics

In a cat­e­go­ry of dis­cov­ery that might be called “found blogs,” I ran across this gem on a site called Ref­or­ma­tion 21, cour­tesy of the ever-help­ful assis­tance of the polem­i­cal rogue John Bugay. The title of the arti­cle, by Leonar­do De Chiri­co, is “Vat­i­can Files No. 19”; and based on both its con­tents and the allu­sion (as I pre­sume) to that bizarre TV show from the 1990s, I am rather afraid that to peer into Vat­i­can Files 1 – 18 might take me deep­er into the realm of sci­ence fic­tion than I want to go, the polem­i­cal rogue’s rec­om­men­da­tion of it as “blunt and hon­est” notwith­stand­ing.

Geneva’s defenders show true colors.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 11, 2013 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics

It start­ed out bad­ly enough over at Beg­gars All. On that estimable resource of anti-Catholic snipe, Mr. Alan “Rhol­o­gy” Mar­i­cle, who fools no one by his alias, wrote a post so shock­ing­ly dumb that real snipes hid their bills. Pro-life activ­i­ty at an abor­tion mill was now to be used, not to defend the sanc­ti­ty of life, but instead to bash unof­fend­ing Catholics for their “blas­phe­mous” prayers. In response, I wrote a strong­ly-word­ed but still char­i­ta­ble post, in which I said, among oth­er things, that Mr. Rho may have object­ed any oth­er time.

Anti-Catholic spectacle “Rhology” strains at the Ave and swallows abortion.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 7, 2013 • Anti Catholicism; Apologetics

Maybe Catholics are a curios­i­ty in Nor­man, Okla­homa. But I con­fess I am sur­prised by Rhol­o­gy’s seem­ing inno­cence whether they were pray­ing the Rosary. The man is active­ly involved in apolo­get­ics con­tra the Catholic Church, so his being unable to pos­i­tive­ly iden­ti­fy the Rosary seems strange. It’s eas­i­ly iden­ti­fied by the quo­ta­tions from Luke 1:28 and Luke 1:42 – 43. Usu­al­ly, Catholics are hold­ing those fun­ny lit­tle beads when they say it, mak­ing it the more rec­og­niz­able. But Rhol­o­gy is all inno­cent about such things.