Does Jesus object to Marian veneration in Luke 11:28?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 7, 2021 • Apologetics; Marian Dogmas


Luke 11:28 is a com­mon anti-Mar­i­an proof­text, and our old friend Tur­ret­inFan — known on this blog as Mr. X — revives it in a recent blog post from July. In Luke’s gospel, a woman approach­es Christ and says, “Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked.” Jesus replies, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” The anti-Mar­i­an apol­o­gist claims that, by these words, Jesus rejects Mar­i­an ven­er­a­tion. Accord­ing to Mr. X, “blessed is the womb that bore thee” is “the ear­li­est record we have of some­thing approach[ing] Mar­i­an ven­er­a­tion.”

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Jason Engwer’s … interesting … plan to “hold critics of sola scriptura accountable.”

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 7, 2021 • Apologetics; sola scriptura


Jason Eng­w­er is a Calvin­ist who blogs over at Tri­ablogue. He appears to now be the site’s main blog­ger, after the pass­ing of Steve Hays. Mr. Eng­w­er thinks he can break through all the mis­un­der­stand­ings about sola scrip­tura, and he sketch­es out a brief (the blog post is a mere one para­graph) action plan. Five cen­turies of schism and dis­cord, and JE comes along on Tues­day, Octo­ber 5, 2021, and ends it all in a para­graph. Shaz­a­am.

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When it comes to apologetics: caveat emptor.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 5, 2021 • Apologetics


A blog — any blog, includ­ing this one (maybe espe­cial­ly this one) — is only as good as the evi­dence. Blogs aren’t peer-reviewed and pri­vate­ly-run blogs don’t have fact check­ers. (Even when they do, errors noto­ri­ous­ly creep in — some­times inad­ver­tent­ly, but some­times from bias or, just as often, the writer’s blithe dis­re­gard for truth.) Any schmo can start a Catholic blog and call him­self an apol­o­gist; it’s not like it’s a doc­tor­al dis­ser­ta­tion or any­thing, and there’s no such thing as an offi­cial apos­to­late of Catholic apol­o­gists super­vised by some bish­op. A Catholic apol­o­gist is account­able to no one.

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When compassion is superior to apologetics.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 18, 2020 • Apologetics; On Other Blogs


When some­one is wound­ed — whether it’s a par­ent who lost a child and blames God, or some­one who’s been sex­u­al­ly abused and is strug­gling to fig­ure out who they are, or some­one who’s been false­ly accused by peo­ple he knew — the last thing they are look­ing for is the Right Answers. And cer­tain­ly they’re not look­ing to be inter­ro­gat­ed by some­one who wants to know if they’re still fol­low­ing all the moral laws. There are times when this kind of response only makes their hurt worse. They want love.Apologetics has an impor­tant place, but this is what God revealed to Julian of Nor­wich: “I saw that God is to us every­thing which is good and com­fort­ing for our help. God is our cloth­ing, who wraps and enfolds us for love, embraces us and shel­ters us, sur­rounds us for love, which is so ten­der that God may nev­er desert us.”

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Let’s abandon this bad apologetic argument Thomas More used against Luther.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 16, 2020 • Apologetics; Exegesis


It’s pos­si­ble St. Thomas More is respon­si­ble for the fact that so many Catholics like to cite John 20:30 – 31 and John 21:25 as proof texts against sola scrip­tura. I haven’t tried to trace the argu­ment for­ward. Cer­tain it is, how­ev­er, that you’ll hear it a lot if you watch “The Jour­ney Home” on EWTN, and every now and then you’ll find it on Catholic apolo­get­ics Web sites and in longish apolo­get­ics “guides.” Here’s John 20:30 – 31 in the RSV-CE: “Now Jesus did many oth­er signs in the pres­ence of the dis­ci­ples, which are not writ­ten in this book, but these are writ­ten that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believ­ing you may have life in his name.”

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Does Jesus condemn tradition in Mark 7:13? White v. Matatics (1997), part 8.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 11, 2020 • Apologetics; Debates; Exegesis


You nul­li­fy the word of God by your tra­di­tion!” Christ tells the Phar­isees in Mark 7:13. Mark 7:13 is a com­mon Protes­tant proof text for sola scrip­tura and, specif­i­cal­ly, against the author­i­ty of tra­di­tion — so much so that Dr.* White ends his open­ing state­ment with it. See? he cries. Jesus con­demned tra­di­tion! We’ll get there. But first let’s join Dr.* White around 35:45, when he turns to an oft-stat­ed and, truth be told, bizarre claim: The deci­sion to con­vert to Catholi­cism is a fal­li­ble deci­sion. No doubt it is, but who denies it? It’s hard to tell what Dr.* White thinks he proves by point­ing this out.

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Blueprint for anarchy: bad argument against sola scriptura? White v. Matatics (1997), part 7.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 10, 2020 • Apologetics; Debates; sola scriptura


If Dr.* White wants to claim that “blue­print for anar­chy” is a bad argu­ment, he’ll need to prove why it’s a false argu­ment. Take up Mr. Madrid’s chal­lenge and show us sola scrip­tura “actu­al­ly work­ing.” It will not be enough for Dr.* White to mere­ly com­plain that he doesn’t like those words. Nor can he just scoff at an exag­ger­at­ed num­ber of denom­i­na­tions as a sub­sti­tute for address­ing the prob­lem of divi­sion itself — as though, hav­ing proved the num­ber ain’t that high, he can pull the cov­ers over him­self and sleep the sleep of the just.

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Did St. Athanasius teach sola scriptura? White v. Matatics (1997), part 6.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 9, 2020 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Debates; sola scriptura


Protes­tants know that if the Church Fathers did not talk about sola scrip­tura, then it real­ly would be an inven­tion of the Ref­or­ma­tion that was unknown before. Sure­ly, if it were a true doc­trine, some­one knew about it before the six­teenth cen­tu­ry! So they go plow­ing through vol­ume after vol­ume of the Church Fathers try­ing to find it by force of div­ina­tion, which they call sound exe­ge­sis. In the ear­li­er parts of his open­ing state­ment, Dr.* White has claimed to find it in St. Cyril, in Theodor­et, and in St. Augus­tine. Now he tries to pile on St. Athana­sius. St. Athana­sius is a real hero of Dr.* White’s.

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Did Pope Liberius teach heresy about Arianism?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 9, 2020 • Apologetics; Church History


This arti­cle is a com­pan­ion piece to an ear­li­er one from 2017, about Pope Hon­o­rius I; and one from last year, about Pope John XXII. These are the three popes peo­ple will often cite to prove that popes can be heretics. Some­times anti-Catholic Protes­tants are look­ing for an exam­ple of why infal­li­bil­i­ty can’t be true and the papa­cy is a tra­di­tion of men. Oth­er times, anti-Catholic Catholics (for they too exist) are look­ing for a prece­dent as they seek to jus­ti­fy them­selves in their belief that Pope Fran­cis is a heretic.

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Bad apologists say: Sola scriptura has led to 33,000 Protestant denominations.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 8, 2020 • Apologetics; sola scriptura


This is the first of a new series enti­tled “Bad Apol­o­gists Say,” in which I review some remark­ably inef­fec­tive argu­ments for the faith, or against oth­ers, that Catholics tend to be mys­te­ri­ous­ly attached to. I begin here with the myth of “33,000 Protes­tant denom­i­na­tions,” which is usu­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with Steve Ray. If you take a look at the actu­al source Mr. Ray uses, you will find all sorts of prob­lems, one of which is that it counts only 9,000 denom­i­na­tions, and anoth­er of which is that its def­i­n­i­tion of “denom­i­na­tion” is prac­ti­cal­ly designed to give you inflat­ed num­bers. It even includes denom­i­na­tions of groups that can’t even be called Chris­t­ian in the first place.

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Catholics, please stop promoting justification by works. It’s a condemned heresy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 8, 2020 • Apologetics; Justification


Two Catholics—a writer for Catholic Answers as well as an actu­al archbishop–are claim­ing that it is obe­di­ence to the law that mer­its heav­en and allows us to avoid Hell. This is painful, because I spent a lot of time dur­ing my con­ver­sion work­ing past a mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Catholic teach­ing I was con­di­tioned to believe: that the Church teach­es jus­ti­fi­ca­tion by work. It does­n’t, and it’s actu­al­ly a heresy to which the Coun­cil of Trent attach­es the penal­ty of excom­mu­ni­ca­tion.

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Fundamentalist Atheist Tim Sledge thinks he has a real stumper: Abraham’s descendants nowhere near as numerous as the stars!

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 26, 2020 • Apologetics; Exegesis


Athe­ists some­times have the same obses­sion with bib­li­cal lit­er­al­ism that Fun­da­men­tal­ists do. One such athe­ist is Tim Sledge. Mr. Sledge used to be a Bap­tist pas­tor. He now has two books out. Good­bye Jesus is his decon­ver­sion sto­ry. The fol­low-up is called Four Dis­turb­ing Ques­tions With One Sim­ple Answer, and even Dr. David Mad­son, whose Ph.D. is in bib­li­cal stud­ies, thinks it’s a slam-dunk against Chris­tian­i­ty. The book is full of dumb ques­tions like Why didn’t Jesus tell us about germs? But appar­ent­ly peo­ple with Ph.D.‘s in bib­li­cal stud­ies take the poor guy seri­ous­ly.

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Mr. X (TurretinFan) claims he finds “formal sufficiency” in Origen.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 24, 2020 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; sola scriptura


Tur­ret­inFan is back! We’ve missed him. Long­time read­ers will remem­ber this crack, Reformed the­olo­gian who, because of his anonymi­ty, is known here as Mr. X. I thought his blog was dying a pro­tract­ed death. There would be long silences; then, he would flick­er up again for a post or two; then, slump into anoth­er doze. Per­haps he thinks I have for­got­ten him and he can now resume his rai­son d’être: plow­ing wild and unhinged and des­per­ate through the Bible and Church Fathers for evi­dence of Protes­tant doc­trine.

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No, Pope Francis does not teach universalism. He’s just sloppy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 20, 2020 • Apologetics; Pope Francis


It would prob­a­bly be a bad idea if some­one at the Vat­i­can were to fix Pope Fran­cis with a device that gave him a small lit­tle shock every time he used the word “jus­ti­fi­ca­tion,” or maybe squirt­ed him with a water gun. It might con­di­tion him against say­ing it, but I don’t think you can do that. Maybe some­one has a more eth­i­cal idea. A few years back, the pope said that Catholics and Luther­ans agree on jus­ti­fi­ca­tion now; we’re all copacetic. He said Luther “did not err.” It was one of the few times you’ve heard me crit­i­cize the poor man. The­o­log­i­cal chaos occurs any time jus­ti­fi­ca­tion comes up with Frank.

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The utter dishonesty of Steve Ray about 33,000 Protestant denominations.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 18, 2020 • Apologetics


I did not want to write about Steve Ray again after yesterday’s post. But by chance I noticed that he has a brand, spank­ing new arti­cle today that once again ped­dles the myth of 33,000 Protes­tant denom­i­na­tions. And because I refut­ed the num­ber four years ago for the Nation­al Catholic Reg­is­ter, I decid­ed I prob­a­bly need­ed to revis­it the top­ic. Mr. Ray knows the num­ber is fic­tion, for he has been told many times. But he weird­ly insists upon it; he’ll use the expres­sion “the myth of 33,000 denom­i­na­tions” but put scare quotes around the word “myth.” It’s as though he thinks it’s a truth divine­ly revealed.

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