Cardinal Burke’s long-winded promotion of COVID-19 conspiracy theories.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 21, 2020 • Blind Guides & False Prophets


Yes­ter­day at the Rome Life Forum, Car­di­nal Ray­mond Burke, a most vocif­er­ous crit­ic of the pope, gave a long pre­sen­ta­tion enti­tled “Fati­ma: Heaven’s Answer to a World in Cri­sis.” And here I sit, think­ing that Christ was the answer. Burke’s talk was 5,166 words long, and about half of it had to do with Fati­ma, the evils of Chi­na, and the impor­tance of con­se­crat­ing Rus­sia: red meat for the Catholic hard right. In the process he also man­aged to pro­mote dis­cred­it­ed con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries about the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and mis­state Church teach­ing on a num­ber of points.

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His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Cafeteria Catholic.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • September 3, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals; Vatican II


The valu­able Mike Lewis at Where Peter Is has the sto­ry on Car­di­nal Burke’s lat­est brazen dec­la­ra­tion of dis­sent from the Mag­is­teri­um. I’ll get to all that, but first it’s nec­es­sary to remind our­selves that Burke has gone down this road before. Back in 2016, Burke spoke with reporters and declared that we can over­look Nos­tra Aetate because it’s “not dog­mat­ic.” Of course, it does not mat­ter whether it’s “dog­mat­ic” or not; it’s the teach­ing of a Church coun­cil, and Burke is on inde­fen­si­ble ground if he thinks Catholics can just wave their hand at that.

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Documentation of Taylor Marshall’s attacks on Pope Francis (and prior popes).

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 20, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Pope Francis


A few months ago, when Tay­lor Marshall’s book Infil­tra­tion had just come out, some­one asked me if I intend­ed to write a review of it. I had no such inter­est, and already knew that Dave Arm­strong planned to do so. But it occurred to me that it might help to put togeth­er, in a con­cise way, a doc­u­men­ta­tion of Dr. Marshall’s fre­quent attacks on Pope Fran­cis. (And as it turns out, he goes back in time and attacks every pope from Pius XII for­ward, as well as Vat­i­can II.) I thought oth­ers might find this a valu­able resource.

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Frank Pavone hates America.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 20, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Moral Theology; Politics


Mr. Pavone is so much more than a Trump apol­o­gist; he struts and waves pom­poms for the sta­ble genius, and he will not be caught protest­ing any­thing, unless it’s abor­tion. Good Mr. Pavone loves Amer­i­ca, and babies. And because he loves babies, he has typed many hun­dreds of char­ac­ters on Twit­ter defend­ing the sep­a­ra­tion of chil­dren from their fam­i­lies. That’s what hap­pens when you vio­late the law, he says. (And the chil­dren at the bor­der are a very dif­fer­ent set of babies than the infi­nite­ly more pre­cious babies yet to be born.)

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Frank Pavone tweets support for Trump’s racist attack on AOC and Squad.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 14, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Politics


In their gen­er­ous ser­vice to the gospel ide­al, some priests feel drawn to polit­i­cal involve­ment in order to help more effec­tive­ly in reform­ing polit­i­cal life and in elim­i­nat­ing injus­tices, exploita­tion, and every type of oppres­sion. The Church reminds them that on this road it is easy to be caught in par­ti­san strife, with the risk of help­ing not to bring about the just world for which they long, but new and worse ways of exploit­ing poor peo­ple. In any case they must know that they have nei­ther the mis­sion nor the charism from above for this polit­i­cal involve­ment and activism.”

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Marshall’s defenders: Demons speak truth during exorcism.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 13, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets


A legion of Tay­lor Marshall’s defend­ers seem to have picked up this claim from the false prophet him­self: Demons speak the truth dur­ing exor­cism; for they are com­pelled to by the pow­er of Christ. One per­haps should be grate­ful they are attribut­ing this truth-telling to the pow­er of Christ rather than the demons’ native hon­esty. Small favors. Dr. Mar­shall nev­er cit­ed any source for the claim that demons tell the truth dur­ing an exor­cism; he just said it’s “what I’ve been told.” He didn’t even do us the cour­tesy of men­tion­ing who told him so.

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Taylor Marshall says: Listen to the demons!

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 8, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets


Some years ago, I came across an audio file of part of the exor­cism of Anneleise Michel. Prob­a­bly I had just watched “The Exor­cism of Emi­ly Rose” and was curi­ous about the true sto­ry. Things like that inter­est me, but I don’t rec­om­mend you get inter­est­ed; the audio, even in a lan­guage I could not under­stand, unset­tled me. After Tay­lor Mar­shall record­ed a nine­ty-minute pod­cast pro­mot­ing things the demons said dur­ing the exor­cism, I thought: Wait. Demons are liars. “There is no truth in him,” Jesus said. “He is a liar and the father of lies.”

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The condition of migrants is a pro-life issue, Fr. Pavone.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 2, 2019 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Social Teaching; Pro-Life Issues


On Twit­ter, Fr. Frank Pavone wrote this: “There is an immi­gra­tion cri­sis, the 1st immi­grant is the unborn child. There is a #Cri­sis at the bor­der of the womb. They are not being detained or deport­ed, they’re being #dis­mem­bered. We’re not going to be able to wel­come an immi­grant when we can’t wel­come our own chil­dren.” No, excuse me. This is exact­ly why peo­ple say that those who are pro-life care only about the unborn, not about the born. Exhib­it 1 is the odi­ous Frank “Cough­lin” Pavone, who pits the unborn child against the migrant child.

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Heresy in the defense of Milo.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 5, 2018 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Media Personalities


A debate has bro­ken out fol­low­ing Patrick Coffin’s deci­sion to invite Milo Yiannopou­los on his radio show. Cof­fin used to be at Catholic Answers; Milo is in a same-sex mar­riage but presents him­self as a crit­ic of Pope Fran­cis and “homo­sex­u­al­ist lead­ers” in the Church. There’s your irony for today. When he was Car­di­nal Bergoglio, Pope Fran­cis said that same-sex mar­riage is a “machi­na­tion of the father of lies.” Milo, who is in a same-sex mar­riage, says Pope Fran­cis is not tough enough on homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, and Faith­ful­Catholics™ swoon.

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False prophet Fr. Frank Pavone advocates ends-justifies-means heresy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 5, 2018 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Politics


Pavone, who spends a great deal of time con­grat­u­lat­ing him­self, tweet­eth: “Would any­one who com­plained about what peo­ple like me did dur­ing the 2016 elec­tions care to let the rest of us know which of Hillary‘s choic­es for Supreme Court you would have liked to see sit­ting on the bench or going through the con­fir­ma­tion process now?” He does not tell us what actions he has in mind when says “what peo­ple like me did.” What­ev­er it be, Pavone thinks we ought to be high­ly grate­ful for it, since it gave us Kavanaugh. Sure­ly abor­tion will soon be stamped out.

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Kwasniewski, Fr. Murray, Death Site News promote falsehoods on capital punishment.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • August 4, 2018 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; False Report; Pro-Life Issues


Fr. Mur­ray is mys­ti­fied: On Ray­mond P.W. Arroy­o’s anti-Fran­cis pro­pa­gan­da show The World Over, he says he has no idea why the pope would think the death penal­ty vio­lates the dig­ni­ty of the human per­son. Pos­si­bly Pope Fran­cis might think so because Pope St. John Paul II had already said it him­self. It’s in Evan­geli­um Vitae. Per­haps Mur­ray has read it; though, I begin to won­der whether he mere­ly skimmed it for the parts about abor­tion. What­ev­er the case might be, JP2 explains to us why God pro­tect­ed Cain from the death penal­ty.

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Let’s watch as St. John Paul II “kitchen sinks” pro-life.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 15, 2018 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Social Teaching; Pro-Life Issues


Recent­ly Leila “Bub­bles” Miller, a Catholic writer with a cer­tain fol­low­ing, plained, yet again, about what she calls the “kitchen sink­ing” of the term “pro-life.” She wor­ries — giv­en the exis­tence of that pesky New Pro Life Movement—that the term must now include every­thing, I mean every­thing, even the wery kitchen sink. Because prop­er san­i­ta­tion is some­how not a pro-life issue. Imag­ine this. Her post was in response to an arti­cle at the right-wing Catholic Vote, by Eric Sam­mons, enti­tled “Why I’m Through Being Pro-Life.” In it he bewails the New Pro Life Move­ment.

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Steve Skojec, Cafeteria Catholic

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 30, 2017 • Blind Guides & False Prophets


Mary Pez­zu­lo asks, “Who is Steve Sko­jec, any­way?” Apart from being a Rad­Trad blog­ger and pope bash­er at One Luther Five (he calls it One Peter Five, which is his right, I guess), he is a cafe­te­ria Catholic. I have, from a dis­tance, been observ­ing the Twit­ter war, of sev­er­al days’ dura­tion, between Mr. Sko­jec and my Face­book friend Mary Ham­mond; and I say, I was not going to get in the mid­dle of it, because he was mak­ing enough of an ass of him­self on his own. But part of it touched upon one of my blog top­ics this month.

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Simcha Fisher speaks the truth about Milo apologists.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 21, 2017 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Scandals


This is not “com­pli­cat­ed.” Don’t insult us. Pedophil­ia can not be defend­ed. The seri­ous­ness of the priest abuse scan­dal can not be waved away. End stop. There is no nuance, there is no “very com­pli­cat­ed.” Milo may be a vic­tim of abuse. Milo may be wound­ed. We can and should have com­pas­sion on that, and no Catholic is per­mit­ted to judge him. But com­pas­sion does not mean that we can nuance what he said out of its sting. Nor can we claim, as Dr. Smith does, that Milo does not “pro­mote ped­erasty.” No. That is what he said. You can read the tran­script.

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Michael Hichborn, aka “The Lepanto Institute,” under attack by eeeeevil social justice warriors.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • February 16, 2017 • Blind Guides & False Prophets; Church Social Teaching; Exegesis


Michael Hich­born is still bunkered up some­where at Lep­an­to after I post­ed a vicious hit piece against him. He writes to us from that bunker to defend him­self against the “enraged” “social jus­tice left­ists mas­querad­ing as Catholics in our midst.” Said mas­quer­ade par­ty is in a “blind rage” over his wery men­tion of Judas! Now Lep­an­to is being per­se­cut­ed over a new meme sug­gest­ing that ugly and emp­ty church build­ings are a result of char­i­ty to the poor and that this is how “Judas got his wish.” Blind rage from SJWs ensued.

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