Article at Catholic World Report asks: Could the pope suppress the rosary?

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 18, 2021 • Catholic Church; Catholic Devotions; papacy


What if the pope sup­pressed what-if ques­tions? But this one is easy, or should be: Of course the pope could sup­press the Rosary. The ques­tion here is not would the he sup­press it, or should he sup­press it, but only could he. And of course the pope has the pow­er to sup­press a devo­tion. An obvi­ous exam­ple of this is when, in 1959, John XXIII sup­pressed devo­tion to the Divine Mer­cy. (John Paul II lat­er lift­ed the sup­pres­sion, in 1978.) This kind of thing hap­pens all the time. Now, the Rosary is so beloved, so tra­di­tion­al, so root­ed and fixed in Catholic devo­tion­al prac­tice that the chances of any such thing hap­pen­ing are all but zero; but there’s no rea­son the pope couldn’t do it.

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When your fidelity to Peter is conditional, it’s not fidelity.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 14, 2021 • Apologetics; Catholic Church; papacy


Last month on Twit­ter, some­one pro­posed a weird papal thought exper­i­ment in the form of a weird­er prog­nos­ti­ca­tion. Mike Lewis had a screen­shot and thread. Sup­pose, the unnammed twit­ster mused, that the next pope is Car­di­nal Burke, or Car­di­nal Sarah, or “any­one sim­i­lar­ly-mind­ed.” [Okay. And?] “Left­ist extreme ultra­monatanes [Head. Desk.] would have a hard choice: ral­ly behind the pope with­out ques­tion (as they cur­rent­ly do), rethink their extreme [!] inter­pre­ta­tion of ultra­mon­tanism, or break in some fash­ion.” Well, Mon­ty, I’ll take door num­ber one. And it’s not at all a “hard choice.”

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Mystici Corporis Christi 22: Pius XII on who’s a member of the Catholic Church.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 13, 2021 • Catholic Church


A few peo­ple — respond­ing to my post about Bish­op Strick­land and whether Nan­cy Pelosi gets to call her­self a Catholic — have tried to split hairs between say­ing that Nan­cy Pelosi is “not a Catholic” and that she is “not a mem­ber of the Catholic faith.” But Alt! they cry. Strick­land is not deny­ing the indeli­ble mark of Pelosi’s bap­tism. He’s just say­ing that her man­i­fest grave sin means she’s no longer a mem­ber! One can lose their mem­ber­ship, you know, juridi­cial­ly speak­ing and all, with­out los­ing the mark of bap­tism. Peo­ple apos­ta­size, they go into schism, they pack their bags and head for the East­ern Ortho­dox Church like Rod Dreher. Okay, well, this split­ting of hairs only gets one so far.

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Perennial quadrennial errors about Catholicism and political commitment.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • July 29, 2020 • Catholic Church; Politics; Pro-Life Issues


Fr. Frank Pavone, despite being forced by anony­mous “Church author­i­ties” to resign from Trump’s re-elec­tion cam­paign (i.e., in an “offi­cial” capac­i­ty), keeps insist­ing that Catholic cler­gy some­how ought to be call­ing out the immoral­i­ty of “Democ­rats.” No one can seem to find out to whom Pavone is account­able. At the same time, ran­dom strangers in social media keep try­ing to bul­ly Catholic vot­ers who plan to vote for Joe Biden. Actu­al Church teach­ing takes a dim view of both stances. [Read more.]

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