1 Peter 5:1 is not a proof text against papal primacy.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • March 23, 2022 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Exegesis; papacy

“I exhort you as your fel­low elder,” St. Peter writes, and it’s hard to know who first tried to use this verse as a proof-text against papal pri­ma­cy. Why, Peter him­self says he’s just one among many! So why does the pope lord it over the whole Church? One thing it’s not hard to know is that the Church Fathers are full of asser­tions that Peter does have pri­ma­cy, and not one of them ever cites 1 Peter 5:1 to refute the idea. If the text does deny papal pri­ma­cy, appar­ent­ly none of the Church Fathers were aware of it. Dear read­er, you’re wel­come to search an index of Scrip­ture ref­er­ences in the Church Fathers if you think you can find any of them cit­ing 1 Peter 5:1 to deny the pri­ma­cy of Peter. Sure­ly they were aware of the text — Cypri­an refers to it, as do Ter­tul­lian and Jerome — but none of them think it means that Peter is no more than the equal of all oth­er bish­ops.

Mr. X (TurretinFan) is upset, again, about a Coptic MS. misattributed to Athanasius.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • November 9, 2021 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Marian Dogmas

The crack apol­o­gist and five­point Calvin­ist who calls him­self “Tur­ret­inFan,” and who is known to us as Mr. X, first got upset about this man­u­script in 2008. Then, he got upset again in 2009. Now in 2021, after a blog­ging sab­bat­i­cal of six weeks, he has decid­ed to let us know that he is upset again. Maybe that explains his absence; he couldn’t bring him­self to log onto his blog and has spent the days in severe prayer. I don’t know. It’s not hard to imag­ine why Mr. X is so upset; the man­su­cript in ques­tion is the “Homi­ly of the Papyrus of Turin” [HPT]. The (lost) orig­i­nal dates to around the 4th cen­tu­ry — the one extant man­u­script is from the 6th — and Catholic apol­o­gists like to cite it as an ear­ly exam­ple of Mar­i­an ven­er­a­tion.

Debunking a fake St. Cyprian quote on papal infallibility.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • October 26, 2021 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Papal Infallibility

Its addic­tion to fake quo­ta­tions is an indict­ment on pop apolo­get­ics. Did you know that St. Augus­tine nev­er said “Roma locu­ta est; causa fini­ta est?” It’s a handy epistro­phe; it’s a fair enough para­phrase; but it was not what Augus­tine wrote. Here are Augustine’s exact words, from Ser­mon CXXXI. (The con­text is Rome’s con­dem­na­tion of Pela­gian­ism.) “For already have two coun­cils [Mileve & Carthage] on this ques­tion been sent to the Apos­tolic see [Rome]; and rescripts also have come from thence. The ques­tion has been brought to an issue; would that their error may some­time be brought to an issue too!”

Did St. Athanasius teach sola scriptura? White v. Matatics (1997), part 6.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • June 9, 2020 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; Debates; sola scriptura

Protes­tants know that if the Church Fathers did not talk about sola scrip­tura, then it real­ly would be an inven­tion of the Ref­or­ma­tion that was unknown before. Sure­ly, if it were a true doc­trine, some­one knew about it before the six­teenth cen­tu­ry! So they go plow­ing through vol­ume after vol­ume of the Church Fathers try­ing to find it by force of div­ina­tion, which they call sound exe­ge­sis. In the ear­li­er parts of his open­ing state­ment, Dr.* White has claimed to find it in St. Cyril, in Theodor­et, and in St. Augus­tine. Now he tries to pile on St. Athana­sius. St. Athana­sius is a real hero of Dr.* White’s.

Mr. X (TurretinFan) claims he finds “formal sufficiency” in Origen.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • May 24, 2020 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; sola scriptura

Tur­ret­inFan is back! We’ve missed him. Long­time read­ers will remem­ber this crack, Reformed the­olo­gian who, because of his anonymi­ty, is known here as Mr. X. I thought his blog was dying a pro­tract­ed death. There would be long silences; then, he would flick­er up again for a post or two; then, slump into anoth­er doze. Per­haps he thinks I have for­got­ten him and he can now resume his rai­son d’être: plow­ing wild and unhinged and des­per­ate through the Bible and Church Fathers for evi­dence of Protes­tant doc­trine.

White Man’s Burden redux.

BY: Henry Matthew Alt • January 23, 2013 • Apologetics; Church Fathers; sola scriptura

white man's burdenDr.* White accus­es me of ask­ing him to “prove a uni­ver­sal neg­a­tive.” The accu­sa­tion is the same as the one he tried to use in his 1993 debate with Patrick Madrid on sola scrip­tura. Dr.* White com­plained that, in order for him to prove how unique is the Bible, he would have to scour the entire uni­verse in search of some­thing exact­ly like it and come up emp­ty. (I was­n’t aware sola scrip­tura claims only that the Bible is “unique.”) Mr. Madrid denied that Dr.* White need­ed to go that far.